Every photo in the set is pretty nasty. It’s all plastic covered mustard colored couches, brown carpet and plastic sheets hanging on the dirty walls with Terry Richardson style flashes.
Every photo in the set is pretty nasty. It’s all plastic covered mustard colored couches, brown carpet and plastic sheets hanging on the dirty walls with Terry Richardson style flashes.
Amazing boobs.
You can bring puppies to work?! I can’t do that at my for money job but I wonder if the donation center I volunteer at will let me bring my babies.
I still wear Can Can when I want to smell like a candy coated party girl. No regrets.
My high school mascot in Mississippi was the Confederate. It’s still the Confederate. The school insignia is a C with stars and crossed sabres. The south, y’all.
Y’all think that’s bad, the confederate at the Mississippi high school I graduated from is literally a confederate. The school logo is a C with stars and crossed sabres. There’s always some petition to change it to the Cougars or something but this being the south, that shall never come to pass.
Even nihilist arby’s?
Bigi/Blanket has Arya Stark levels of “I will stab you in the heart” resentment on his face
A lot of people just think I’m whatever they are. I’ve been asked if I’m Indian, Jordanian, Mexican, Malaysian, etc. That never bothers me.
I’m brown too, just a different kind of brown than they realized. Once they learned I was Asian, not Mexican they started in on ‘the illegals.’
Oh they totally started in on ‘illegals’ as soon as they realized I’m not Mexican. And whenever the manager talked to one of the black employees she started using slang like just because she was talking to a black person she should sound like a sassy tv sidekick and swerve her shoulders and neck around while snapping…
Me and my husband put the kid to bed and stayed up to drink cocktails and watch this and we laughed the whole way through. Sometimes if I’m eating something he’ll bite it out of my hand and very cornily say, “I FUCK.” EL James is so far up her own ass with that nonsense. But I’ll hatewatch the next shitty movie for…
I just experienced this at my last job. A bunch of the bearded rednecks thought they were making hilarious comments about our asian customers and kept saying ‘oriental’ and talking about how much their luggage stinks (it was an airline) and when i said i was asian they went, “oh my god we thought you were mexican we…
People love to get pissed off that Mindy gets short with idiots who are like “You’re brown and you weigh more than me. Tell me why that sucks.” How stupid can you be? Google herr. In every interview she says she’s tired of it. Christ.
Oh thank god somebody else noticed all those THATS NOT REAL COURAGE. REAL COURAGE IS PISSING AT THE MCDONALDS RESTROOM posts we all saw a thousand times this week. It’s so sad and desperate.
It’s pretty cool that the kids spoke to sex educators but they did not have to take children to see a bunch of dildos.
It’s so fucking annoying that people have to dismiss Caitlyn Jenner because her version of bravery isn’t the right kind according to them.
The entirety of the book was not for me but I really took the thing about discarding anything that doesn’t give you joy and I ran with it. My closet became so wonderfully clean and organized once I decided to throw out shirts and pants I used to wear 50 lbs ago. And all socks without a partner.
Is that why only 1 out of 10 metro escalators actually work
Exactly what I thought. You’re in the room. You filled out everything and took tests and probably paid upfront. Now you’re gonna back out cos you see what looks like lint on the screen?