That dude is one giant cowpie. He used to be mildy obnoxious and mean spirited when he was just a gossip blogger but now that he gets invited to lady gaga’s birthdays and elton john’s concerts he’s such a smarmy bastard.
That dude is one giant cowpie. He used to be mildy obnoxious and mean spirited when he was just a gossip blogger but now that he gets invited to lady gaga’s birthdays and elton john’s concerts he’s such a smarmy bastard.
True story: she pulled the DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM card in a juice bar in toronto to get a free drink. That dui was not a one off.
I work for delta at check in, the gate, i wave the neon wands at the planes, i load and unload the cargo, i clean the planes at night. Literally do not give a fuck what i am wearing as long as it is stain resistant and doesnt tear easily. Where i work its just nice to get through a day without feeling like your back…
In tokyo disney you can bring your own cooler of food and park it wherever, usually in a grassy area full of other unattended coolers. When you come back, it is unmolested and you have your own food right there. Happiest place on earth.
My husband drives me insane at restaurants because he doesnt even look at me when asked if we’re ready to order. He just goes YEP and plows right on ahead. He felt bad when I explained to him that if we order separately they most likely wont put it in until we both order so could he be chill and let me read my menu so…
Oil actually makes an incredibly moist cake. A lot of bakeries do it.
Also India and the Philippines.
u tryna say hit the floor aint tv gold?
Omg where? Links.
10/10 would read this as in epic historical novel form with sweeping romance and intrigue subplots
I feel kinda bad for this racist lady. Women don’t want the world to laugh at their graying pubes.
I suspect the night cheese habit is strong with many of us
Maria’s face looks terrible in this photo wut is happening with her mouth
Didn’t the woman who wrote Scandals of Classic Hollywood get a degree in the history of american celebrity or something?
Chelsea Handler
I’m terrified of my dog going into a heat before her scheduled spaying day. That happened to my friend last week. She took her pup to the vet and found out she was in her first heat. She has to keep her confined because they have a male dog who is not neutered yet because he has an undescended testicle (the retrieval…
Um wut I have 4 of these. My dad was a beanie baby maniac and every time he went on a work trip he brought me back like 12.
People who gleefully kill animals are probably the same people who dream of serial killing, in my opinion
I live in the south where stray animals number in the thousands. Most humane societies have a program for trapping, spaying/neutering, and then either rereleasing feral cats to keep down rodent populations or adopting them out. There’s also a low cost non-income based program for fixing both cats and dogs. The lazy…
My friend told me they used to use quokkas as soccer balls