Good God, Lemon

It's not a new trend at all. I used to read 80s/90s teen novels where someone talked about striping bronzer down the sides of their nose to make it slimmer and I'd think, "What in fresh hell?" But now that contouring is huge I get it and it's not so weird anymore.

Back when Becca left Sephora I don't even know how many years ago I bought the Bird of Paradise powder highlighter for something like $4 and I still use it on the regular. (I use powders for years like they last forever, don't judge me.)

I have a Me Party every morning set to the sound of Netflix. You know me.

Holy shit. I work for an airline on the ground and in an airport and get on planes and touch them every day and now I am freaking out. God bless flight attendants. They go bravely into the belly of the beast.

I’m on the internet a lot so I think teens today are smart and able and aware of the world they’re living in. It’s not like teens are the people who, I don’t know, caused the collapse of our economy.

No my parents never taught Music. But the odds are on that particular Music being related to me anyway. There are so few of us.

I just got the copper IUD in February and it’s amazing. My acne actually cleared up and periods are ghastly but I buy enough tampons to send Sally Ride on a 700 day trip to space. It’s all good.

I know someone whose last name is Truelove. I wouldn't have hated that one.

HAHAHA that's horrible and awesome at the same time.

My maiden name is Music. I can't sign up for a damn thing.

Disagree. This city needs her.

i was a poor ass student and i always gave $5. i was pissed that the sign recommended something like $8. i was living on roosevelt with 4 psychos. how could i afford that?

HAHAHA points for shaming

i know a girl who works at a gas station and when people do the hand hover thing like they don't want to be touched by her she cups their hand in hers and lingeringly places the money in their palm. it's a bold move.

I havent even read the rest of the stories yet. I read the popcorn one and grinned so hard. This is my favorite story ever.

Haha! Todd actually sounds incredibly normal compared to today’s boy names like Jace, Jaxin, Prince, Bhodi, anything Sarah Palin ever named her kids, Trace, Bentley, etc. At my kid’s preschool the name board blew my mind.

His designs are garbage I super hate that he thinks hes a “fashion guy.” He’s not a terrible stylist though.

She looks like a super loving mother who just wants to give her kid happiness. The only problem I see is dragging the poor baby to loud ass fashion shows. Leave your kid at home so you can drink and enjoy yourself. It’s better for everyone. (Kim does advocate going out without your kid and having a pedicure or

I use pastel tissue paper cos ive always got a ton laying around

I thought that was why he faked being black. I clicked the link expecting there to be jokes about how tough it is to get into med school as an asian because they really are packed in there (at my sisters med school graduation there were so many asians, including us).