Did you like the inauguration ball dress? I thought it was a beautiful dress but the bodice was very square and made her look extra blocky up top. Not flattering.
Did you like the inauguration ball dress? I thought it was a beautiful dress but the bodice was very square and made her look extra blocky up top. Not flattering.
I need it! My face is so oily that some foundations straight up break apart on my face without primer and a powder. It's expensive but worth it I think. One drugstore primer I love is Maybelline Baby Skin. It's terrible underneath foundation but by itself just makes your skin look matte and pretty.
i grew up in japan and there's more crazy shit than this going on. you know that whole "comfort women" issue the japanese government is trying to suppress from american text books? a lot of businesses still practice that. my cousin in the philippines got lured to kyoto with the promise of bartending but they had her…
i loved serial but i felt uneasy about the whole thing without hae's family speaking up about her.
Oh. I didn't even think of that. I just figured, "What a stupid asshole."
who said pedophile?
let his ass stay home. why should the punishment be lenient? he mocked a child with a sexually charged insult and he wants to keep representing his school? nope.
this reminds me of that idiotic interview kendrick lamar gave to erykah badu where he said that he was envious that women naturally knew how to be, how to love, and how to have empathy and compassion and men did not. i want to ask him if he's ever met my mother because natural empathy my ass. what a stupid shit thing…
the thing about the children picking out condos is only crazy sounding because of the price. if you remove manhattan and the million dollar price points then it could just be a fact of living in this time that your kids are gonna be amazing at finding better deals online because theyre more patient about being on the…
this person is a massive asshole, but for some states $15 truly would be staggering. the last minimum wage job i worked in the state of mississippi paid me around 6.50 an hour and i was a civilian air force employee. $15 woule CHANGE LIVES in the shithole that is the deep south.
Not at all. That's the kind of sweet personal thing I'd love to contribute rather than gold rimmed china no one is ever going to eat from
they're light and pretty and hug your butt in a real nice way
how does one gain this kind of info
true. the nips helped see what a buyer is actually getting. fix the creepshot in a lonely dude's basement studio style and they'd be fine.
my husband is a huge fan of my soft clingy sweatpants
hahaha "always been a poor dresser." i hate how much he loves versace prints. expensive doesn't mean not tacky.
a lot of these opinions/anecdotes are pretty harsh. my dad worked full time and was also the sole caregiver for my siblings and i because all my mom wanted to do was work all the time and see her friends. he scheduled everything around us and would often show up to school in his air force uniform to take us to the…
isn't bombing an abortion clinic with probably some preggos inside counterintuitive to their cause?