Good God, Lemon

theyre college freshmen. they think their opinions are edgy. i once listened to a long rant at a restaurant about how in canada everyone pays into the same healthcare system so if you never get sick youre just giving up all your money so someone else gets good health care. i was like wtf. isnt that what we do in the

i saw bourdain eat a rice stuffed grilled pigeon in egypt amd since then im like, yeah, id eat a pigeon

yep. when i was 14 i was rail thin and had no real perception of just how envious my teen body was until i became 25 and gained 60 lbs and cry over all my unwearable skinny jeans. women should not be looking at children for clothes advice.

i'm not excusing gendered insults, but people in the uk call each other (male and female) cunts and twats way more often than americans do. after i read this article i asked a friend who lived in london and she told me "yeah i guess twat is about women if you want to get literal but they say it when people are being

Hahahaha! "Is this where you see yourself? In retail witholding 20% of my return?! You should have gone to college."

whenever i want anything kitchen related i hawk tj maxx and marshalls first. if you want it it will be there and it will be 2.99 thank oprah.

fear not! if you have the same card you bought your crap with, they will likely have the transaction on the computer still. i do this at stores all the time because i accidently shred receipts a lot and when i see them going into the shredder i shriek at the mistake i've just made and call the store to ask about

woooow what a bunch of jerks. i hope they never make tenure and end up working retail at 60.

My dad has an elderly pittie who is the baby of the family. He used to have a lab friend who lived with us but he belonged to a friend who was in a weird livinf situation so when she got the lab back our baby got sad and mopey for awhile until i started bringing my daughters husky to visit my parents house a couple

I feel for the baristas whose managers are going to force them to do this shit so they look like they're complying.

HAHAHA Should have said why? Are you interested? We have a great employee discount and talk about our broken dreams after hours while smelling bath bombs. Here's an application!

True. Pharrell's whole thing before was "I'm a nerd who likes to skate. So are my friends." Banks is one of those assholes who probably tells people they 'act white.' I don't see a problem with being non-threatening. What's wrong with being a nice person who wants other people to like you? I guess Denzel is a sellout.

I'd have been waaay too scared to run up on a predator in the middle of a hunt. They're beautiful but terrifying. I have a healthy respect for wild things with sharp body parts.

Im glad there are people out there who understand when a pibble attacks its because they have shitty people to thank for their care

I would have to say Jay Z actually does like to portray himself as an inoffensive corporate professional.

The majority of stuff she says that offends people isnt about being proud and/or black its just shitty twitter attacks on anyone she takes offense at. Shes delusional like an actual famous person.

I've gotten "You speak good English." Hahaha

Work experience is the shittiest catch-22. Can't get a job without relevant experience. Can't get experience if they wont give you the fucking job.

That is why I'm not in college anymore. My debt was racking up so high i felt the need to throw up every time i thought about it. It's all paid off now and i want to go back so bad but i refuse to put myself and my family in dangerous debt when i have no guarantee i wont be right back in that server uniform.

I was once a restaurant tour guide in Old Town and the adults are just as bad