Good God, Lemon

at my local SAMs club they're always sold out because a box with 4 packs is $9 so when I happen to catch one I flip out and celebrate

as it relates to celebrities i call it getting "polished". when she first got famous kim had a horrific fake tan, huge pores, and way too much eye make up. the longer a person is famous the more generically beautiful they become.

I caught a recent episode where she went to her plastic surgeon and he rolled in at least four laser machines to work on her at once because she was saying insane things like "I have this tiny scar on my finger that I've hated forever" and the dollar signs were just popping out of his eyes.

MINE IS IN THE MAIL my best friend just got hers and she says the range of colors is great but lighter than it looks in photos

I thought she meant ethnic as in Armenian

wait wait wait can we get the sephora spy's blessed opinion on this product list?

la mer isn't even the most expensive thing on that list what world do we live in

that skinny coffee asshole just wants to call their drink skinny and is too stupid to realize skinny is a designation meaning no fat or sugar. ive seen it before. people really say it having no idea it means no fat or sugar, they just like to say "skinny such and such long convoluted order." i wonder how they don't

I also take photos of nicole to the stylist!

OMFG I made that gif. So proud to see my babies in the wild.

I literally screamed at all my friends and the last Jezebel article about this "DID KIM TAKE 30 SHOWERS TO WASH THE RAY J OFF?"

Kanye you the dirty one for that. Did Kim have to take 30 showers to wash the Ray J off for you?

That reminds me of Lisa Eldridge! Love her.

I can't really take his videos or anyone else's anymore. Makeup gurus have become a shiny ad industry and I can't trust any product they say they got for free and aren't obligated to review positively but that they "really like". Now they're flogging protein powders and monthly jewelry subscription services to

I get really annoyed when all people ever write about is how you should "put on as little foundation as possible" or "let your natural glow shine through!" Bitches I got acne and I'm gonna shellac my face and then add artificial glow. Deal with it.

I have a husky who has an absolute thirst for attention. I'm trying to get her to be calm if she wants pets but people like to hover and stare and creep closer while she lunges at them and whines no matter how much I say, "I'm trying to teach her to behave for attention can you back up please". They usually just come

pope's is wonderful

some people like to blame everyone else but if everywhere you go it smells like shit, maybe it's time to check under your shoes

a face to face sounds horrible for this woman. maybe a letter or recorded video apology would be less stressful. and then supervise them while they take a training course on the ada.

not all service dogs wear vests or have to