Good God, Lemon

that pisses me off too. i want to taser people who run up and just start touching my dog without asking first.

I always ask before I pet, regardless of whether they are employed in service or not. My four year old also asks before she pets any dog as well. I HATE when people just reach out and snatch at my dogs without asking first. I had one of my dogs in my arms at the pet store and a guy walking past just reached out and

or tell everyone shes ruining your precious sons future by having the audacity to seek justice for being raped a little bit i mean nbd it was a teeny mistake why should you RUIN MY 200 LB ADULT MAN BABYS EXISTENCE YOU DIRTY GIRL

This reminds me of when the Internet swooned so hard over photographs of Disney princesses in Indian bridal wear. Photographer was quoted saying he didn't want to offend with Pocahontas but she ended up in fringe and a feathered headband and braids like Tiger Lily anyway.

all hillbillies are NOT racist. the white side of my family comes from appalachia and while at times my ancestors have, yes, married cousins (one of whom is Loretta Lynn y'all) and some are racist dirtbags, the rest are chill people. basically just like the rest of the world but with more beards and overalls.


I got the Bon Dylan charity tribute album it's on and I only listen to Miley on it.

my best friend has been married for 6 years, sees her family all the time and somehow she thinks they don't know.

maaaaaybe they turned their backs because your designs look like hot garbage. but no kanye it's because of your pretty girlfriend.

I adore her cover of You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go

all she said was he ran off from the adult mother of his child to be with a child. true and gross.

no, azealia banks.

I think she looks fucking incredible but I have to say no that isn't what every 47 year old body looks like. My mother is 47, had 4 kids, grew up in a Philippine barrio and she has very firm legs and neck skin. #notall47yearolds #justwantedtobrag

oof. smooth move, benedict cornybatch.

literally every time i get a wax i think of the missy lyrics "phone before you come i need to shave my chocha"

a lot of bloggers and youtubers have refused to buy or review lime crime products because of the intensely ugly drama so hopefully someone will say why the f are we telling 25 year olds they're thin skinned hags?

I wonder if he would agree to submit writing for review under a woman's name to see how differently he would be treated.

Madonna doesn't have a problem with the word bitch in her song titles and Beyonce displayed the word FEMINIST after singing a song with the lyrics "Bow down bitches" what is the dif why is one a feminist and the other an out of touch old lady

I once tripped and dropped my roommates novel on the f train and it literally broke in half. not hot.

wtf are we supposed to have cookies with then