apparently celsius users think going to 100 is the dumbest thing on earth and they can't fathom it. my mom has been american for almost 30 years and still uses kilos instead of pounds.
apparently celsius users think going to 100 is the dumbest thing on earth and they can't fathom it. my mom has been american for almost 30 years and still uses kilos instead of pounds.
my mother keeps a tray of balut in the fridge at all times. it's like, 'y ma?'
I knew someone would say balut
regarding the first story, i and various chef friends at hotels all over have noticed that celebs actually love using the kitchen and employee-only and areas because it keeps them away from peons in the public spaces. plus they probably think it's very rockstar/kennedy to enter and exit through the kitchens.
my best friend is canadian and whenever we tell each other the temp where we are we're like "Idk what you're saying learn Fahrenheit no you learn Celsius get a clue"
this was wonderful. i would definitely read an under the tuscan sun-style book from you. and i think your style makes your writing much easier to like.
I think people are just interested in the novelty even tho it's been done to death and every time somebody crows, "White female rapper!" I'm like ok seen it show me some talent or gtfo.
HEART EYES. They remind me of Lissie. I love every cover they do.
WUT she is a brick house regardless. Terrible rapper. Beautiful human.
I am an aficionado of the clearance and a true clearance to me is, like, $12 originally $200 (I live near a Belk where this really happens and also I'm cheap, if that wasn't obvious).
I think she should get the Grammy for best jawline. Girlfriend has amazing bone structure.
the reporter emailed "josie" for info. josie replied that she wouldn't be available by phone or skype but they could talk via updog. reporter asks 'what's updog?' josie responds: nothing dog what's up with you?
winston deserves all the everything
this is all very serious but can we just glory in that girl's brilliant updogging of this idiot
this seems abusive to me but im one of those super gentle parents who tries to pacify her kid when she starts hollering at me. my husband tho, is a rock. he will shut her down with logic and the magic words "you should never yell at your mother."
I love the thing about how life having a purpose drives non religious people. I always ask myself why people waste so much of their precious time worrying about what living in the sky is going to be like when life itself right here is divine and can fulfill you if you stop crying and bitching about following the rules…
I once had a horrific miscarriage in a terrible Mississippi ER full of bumblefuck know-nothing assholes and came home to tell my boyfriend, who thought on it and came back to tell me that his backwoods alligator shoe wearing Southern Baptist pastor told him that I had actually probably had an abortion and needed to…
wuuut i had no idea doterra oils were supposed to be medicinal? i bought a citrus one because i wanted everything in my house to smell fresh. crunchy fail.
"Adds coolness" is not a phrase that should be used to describe any photo of anyone wearing these fuckugly pants. Ever.