did anyone else listen to this week's (?) this american life with a guy who said jack abramoff was a dick who shoved his cello down some stairs in high school?
did anyone else listen to this week's (?) this american life with a guy who said jack abramoff was a dick who shoved his cello down some stairs in high school?
my mother used to be a grocery stocker at a military base commissary until she hurt her back and started doing daytime bagging for tips. active duty and their family members are usually pretty reliable tippers but the old ass retirees and their spouses would often hand her a free mini bible. at least once a day she…
absolutely everything gets optioned for american versions regardless of whether it's going to happen or not and it is infuriating. i once read that there was an american version of misfits coming and i was like 'fuck this fuck everybody i just can't anymore'
what in the absolute fuck
I always forget that I own it and when I find it deep in the lipstick bucket it's like the heavens open up. Are they not being sold anymore?! No! I need to go hawk some on eBay.
My absolute favorite drugstore deep red is Rimmel Kate Moss 007 the pigmentation is glorious and it is so smooth and creamy but it's definitely a matte. Love it.
I live in Mississippi, and everyone is crass and pregnant.
I used to really really love Kanye. He was my absolute favorite artist. When his mother died it was obvious that he was in a real deep hole. He didn't even shave his face. But years on he became really out there and I didn't get what was going on.
I'm in love with her choker/spaghetti strap slip dress/black boots/grunge hair 90s look.
I love people that invoke god as the reason for every little thing. "God set me up an account on match.com so I could pick the person he planned for me to love out of a lineup of flattering profile photos."
would hit
my husband's mother is a professional baker (im a pastry chef but I hate making cake so I would never attempt my own) so we will def get a beautiful free cake made with love
thank you! you are a kind encouraging soul. i want my little girl to be involved. she keeps asking what we're going to eat at our wedding hahaha
I really want to throw that party! Also, the knot forums are full of monsters who hold way too tightly to their ideas of what a wedding is and means and should be.
I never actually did have a wedding because my husband had to deploy so we just went and married at the court house (which I would not take back but am sad about to this day because I pictured my husband at the end of the aisle and my dad seeing me happy and just having a great party with people we love) but while I…
I'm married (quick courthouse military pre-deployment event) and it makes our daughter sad that we have no pretty wedding photos for her to look at. I'm tempted to throw a late late anniversary reception to celebrate our marriage with our loved ones and our little girl but apparently people think its indulgent and…
I just have to say that when I clicked the link in the firing a bridesmaid post to the forums on the knot I went down a rabbit hole full of nasty bitches. Those nasty bitches on the knot forums can be called nothing other than nasty bitches. It was left and right cruelty from 8 out of 10 posters. About weddings. "Your…
The best (read: worst) is when some asshole wants to ask you where you're from 10 times while you repeat that you're from a boring state in America. "Where are you from? No, where are you from? But where are you from?" I'm definitely from this country and I speak better English than you ever will you fucking…