Good God, Lemon

I live in Mississippi and had an abortion in Alabama and besides driving out of state and paying $300(?) it was actually ten thousand times easier than I thought it would be. They didn't allow same day though. They make you go there to sign papers and then come back for treatment. And then ask that you come back again

If you're 17 your parents have to sign your military documents for you. Like how Kobe's parents signed all his NBA contracts when he was a minor.

My husband works with a guy who's 20 with a 19 year old wife and the other day she told me I should 'Try that show Friends before it goes off Netflix.'

I have had acne since I was 9 and have tried just about every type of birth control. Believe me, I've been through every possible suggestion.

Antibiotics NEVER worked for me. Neither did creams, topical gels, medicated wipes or sacrificing goats at the full moon. I'm about to start accutane this month and I'm so happy I could cry.

I love a good closing sale.

Try being a young female culinary student carrying a bunch of fancy french desserts home through soho and on the subway every day. People got real creepy.

Actually I quite like historical tales of white presidents having dinner parties that turned into White House ragers.

FOX: "Rich people ate expensive dinner while on vacation. Drag them."

It says he punched him until he was driven from the house? I think he stopped him pretty reasonably, it being the south. He never shot the guy, so that's a plus.

My dad offered me the door slam tooth removal when I was younger and he never thought I'd actually slam the door but I did it.

I'm obsessed with their minis and crop tops


The early eps always make me wanna rock a black mini with tights and a cropped sweater. Also, I once had The Rachel.

I had no problem searching for Friends but that New Years countdown they flogged so hard was IMPOSSIBLE to find. It was in a browser-only section nobody knew existed and that none of us could get to until Netflix started tweeting the link.

Sweet lord $117 to go 4 miles

Good lord who is that goddess in the mermaid dress

WOW. What a woman. I had an at home abortion last year from a prescription I got from a clinic in Alabama, believe it or not. And it was a pretty chill affair. Not fun at all, but not as hard as I thought it would be in the Deep South. A lot less scary than what I imagine a surgical one would be like. I did have to

RIP Richard Rich, Sr.

My husband cut off the tip of his finger three weeks ago while trying to slice the bands off our Christmas tree with a leatherman. He has a flat top finger now