Good God, Lemon

Parents are humans who make mistakes and I didn't realize this until I became a parent myself, but motherfuckers don't have all the answers. If they realize where they went wrong and make steps to correct the problem, then why are you snarking so hard? Yeah her tone is obnoxious but so is the tone of this whole "Your

Last year I think I read that RDJ made several thousand $$$ a minute as iron man in the avengers movie and the majority of scenes were CGI plus voiceover.

NOOOO PUPPY! I'm part of a local facebook group my dad's lady barber runs where people foster each other's pets/donate money to expensive vet surgeries/give extra beds and food/let everyone else know there's a stray dog in a parking lot somewhere and we are all giant crybabies who sob at each other over animal

I used to work at a hotel that kept guest info On file for only 2 years and if they didn't stay with us again within that time then their credit card numbers and addresses would be purged from the system. A lady called me and went "My name is X my info is on file I'll see you then" and tried to hang up and when I

I wanna hug you right now thank you so much. The irony is my husband is from an upper middle class black family and they have vacation homes and everyone is a married professional and went to private schools and when my dad says shit about "hoods and homies" he thinks my husband can relate to hating certain

I'm more worried about what's up with her arms

Hahaha right? I was thinking bikes and skates are okay but an entire large piece of furniture? Id assume fair game and take it.

In some places if you need keyed access to a building and your place is the only apartment on an entire floor then it's your hallway and people keep things like bikes and outdoor gear out there.

What a monster I hope she ingested a lot of hot pizza chef sweat.

I'm all about the loaded potato bites

Oh wow how do you word that on a resume

And your stepdad sounds interesting who the hell calls their own people "wet back beaners"? That is horrifying.

That crap is just insane. I don't care who my daughter dates as long as he or she is not a complete jerk.

Well that was kind of beautiful.

Yeah she does sound like the kind of person who gets gifts that are more about her than the receiver

that is horrific. im sorry.

Best best best. Oh my god. Harry Potter and a great brother and giving Harry Potter because of your great brother. This story has everything.

Omg im a pastry chef and I would love it if someone gave me cupcakes. One of the terrible things about being a chef is people don't want to cook for you or buy you packaged/fast food but we're still humans who love junk and snacks and lovingly home cooked food we didn't have to make ourselves. Also, he is amazing for

I would actually love one of these and would use it to serve my child caprisuns