Good God, Lemon

Many Christmases ago my sister and I came home from our respective faraway cities to spend some quality holiday time. My grandma (who is crazy as shit) had brought a spaced out old lady that my mom told us to call Lola (grandmother). After dinner Stranger Lola hands me and my sister a small wrapped package. We open it

I think awhile back he said he wouldn't mind it but he doesn't want to be known as the black James Bond.

Blake is the owner of Best Celebrity Teeth Makeover. Her grill used to be all kinds of amateur.

It's completely insane the convos we have. I try to stay silent and my husband tries to convey that it's going to be okay and I should stay calm but I cannot stay quiet for some of the more horrible things and he only gets louder and louder saying nonsensical shit. Basically liberals and Obama are the root of all

She's right but she will beef too publicly with anyone who's willing. Sure, stand up for yourself but don't be the person nobody wants to be around when you're trying to build a career based on people wanting to see and hear you. Isn't the consensus that Teairra Mari lost her career by being too quick to fight?

UM I prefer to call her Ashlee Simpson: owner of the most legit nose job* we've ever seen

Thank you! I'm happy for you too I can't imagine what it feels like to be comfortable without full coverage foundation on I'm so pumped

Also hopefully they apply to jobs where they get thoroughly googled before interviews and told, "fuck off you degenerate rapist"

Oh and the other day he ranted at me about how my brother isn't married to his girlfriend and their child is "illegitimate" as if this were the 50s and people ostracize children for having unmarried parents. When I had my daughter I was not married. All I could say was, "Thank you for letting me know you think your

Thank you for your story I really appreciate that you took the time to tell me how it affected you. We've been trying to limit contact to holidays where there are a whole lot of people around so that a scene can't be made. He also tells her all kinds of religious stuff after I patiently told him that I don't think

This sounds like a triangle I would greatly care to read about.

I am not a white person on the surface. My father is white but my mother is southeast asian and I am like a stretched out portrait of her– big american bones in brown asian skin. My husband is from the Virgin Islands and we have a beautiful curly haired little girl with sweet dimples and whenever she asks questions

Did you get prescribed 30 rounds of antibiotics for no reason that never worked at all?! Ohmigod im so excited! How long did it take for results to show?

I have suffered with acne since I was 9. NINE. I am 24 and starting accutane next month (angels singing). Also, I have extremely thick hair with very fine strands and I'm super greasy so I wash it every day and it's fine. As to foundation: suck it up and buy a beauty blender.

Yeah I didn't join the lawsuit. Obviously an education can't guarantee a job and it was a very good education that I got, but it's a real bummer not working in the field you specifically practiced hundreds of hours for.

The French Culinary Institute in NYC

Some schools are actually more interested in educating humans and helping them achieve their goals than being money hungry institutions. Princeton, for example, has several kinds of childcare including pre schools, and works pretty hard to ensure that students graduate with only a small amount of debt. So I'm

Oof. That buzzfeed article about Everest sounds exactly like the culinary school I attended which is right now in the news for being sued by 80 former students in a class action lawsuit for claiming we'd all get big money and great jobs but in reality leaving us with solid skills but deep in debt.

I read santacon was originally started by some good natured people who wanted to go around as Santa and do good deeds but it got overtaken by drunks. Not sure if this is true but if it is I am very sad. Santaconners are the worst.

I live in the city in mississippi with the second highest concentration of antebellum homes in the state and I hate when they do their annual pilgrimages where people dress up in hideous clothes and tourists ride around in horse drawn carriages, but I quite like the big beautiful houses.