Good God, Lemon

In high school I moved to rural Mississippi and worked at one tex-mex, one japanese, and one chinese restaurant. It astounded me the lengths people would go to to avoid saying something in a different language. Or not even in a different language. They just refuse to say the damn thing out of shit stupid redneck

LOL dogs are scared of the absolute weirdest most non-threatening things imaginable. Like those Christmas yard balloons.

Barbara's losing it. But somebody please tell me that's not really Amal's neck in the lead photo. It is horrifying.

This is my pittie baby Kane. He lives in fear of cardboard boxes.

Now I want to bombard you with dog questions

Oh no they super love white people. I went to an American school in Tokyo and I knew of several white classmates who got modeling gigs easy as anything and when they showed me their catalogs and ads it was all white kids. Japanese-run campaigns for japanese companies with all white images is very common.

I haven't read maze runner my 'to be read' list is a thousand deep

I thought book 1 was meh and 2 had a great reveal and then 3 made me want to set things on fire and send hate mail to veronica roth

I just had mine removed after 1.5 years. It was a bitch to get out m because scar tissue had grown around it. My doctor and a tech spent forever squeezing and massaging and leaning on my arm and all I could hear was the click click click of the tweezers failing to grab it out. It wasn't a nightmare or anything but it

I had my implanon taken out two months ago after 1.5 years because I started having 2 and 3 periods a month :|

I was on implanon for over a year and started having three periods a month and decided NOPE I'm getting this out. It was a hell of an ordeal and my old ass doctor and his tech spent forever squeezing and tweeting trying to yank it from my arm where it was wrapped in scar tissue. I said I wanted an iud and they

Too good.

I have no idea what meme situation you're talking about

I have a 4 year old girl who prefers how to train your dragon to frozen. As a result, we are all toothless stans. HTTYD>FROZEN 4 LYF

I still get upset that people with singing talent have to cry over getting sent home on the voice and kim kardashian got a single and a video with no talent whatsoever. Now being famous also means you get a publishing deal and someone writes your book for you while many talented writers never escape the slush pile.

Because of that I will always look at Rihanna as a racist and nobody can change my mind. Just because you're jealous of the girl your walking neck tattoo of an abusive boyfriend is with doesn't mean it's suddenly okay to get racist. And she is apparently so surrounded by sycophants that nobody thought to tell her,

I still think rihannas the one who comes out poorly for her bullshit about karrueche being asian like its a bad thing to be asian. Thanks rihanna? She'll never get money off my asian ass.