Wow. Just wow. Not even wortha reply
Wow. Just wow. Not even wortha reply
who in the fuck told you that there is no free press in Russia ? Where do people get this stuff ?
Urban myth
Natural gas is Russia’s biggest export. Not oil. Nat gas never shot back up in price like oil did after 2008.
Garbage. Western polling agencies have his apporval rating about 80%. Stop spreading nonsense
The current Russian federation put handcuffs on Mikhail Gorbachev. So what you just said displays a huge amount of ignorance.
the US has been in bed with the Saudi scum for 40 years too so i beg to difer
What the US could probably do is reevaluate this policy of taking a side in the Sunni vs Sheite war.
haha pretty funny that General Wesley Clark (Ret) and another prominant US general said Turkey was completely and totally in the wrong on that yet we still have hold-outs like you.
He has a BlackBerry. BB security bitches
So you really think Russia’s plan was to do nothing ? Because that is what they did. There is no cookie cutter
same reason they wont drill for oil in anwar
seems like i had to insult you for you to come to your senses. Putin indeed isn’t as stupid as ppl think he is. And don’t be so sure that its such an easy decision for Obama or anyone if a US shoot down happens
NATO already shot first for f*&( sakes. Thats the whole point. A Russian pilot is dead. A Russian plane destroyed. Another provocation from US/Nato means Russia has to retaliate in force. And it will. While Obama talks with the sorority girls in the whitehouse(Valary jaret, Clinton, Rice). Then phones Hollande, then…
The US traded a load to the UK for the rights to dictate “freedom of navigation” after ww2
So you simply believe that China has no legit grievences what-so-ever and is simply sabre rattling for the sake of agression ?
Vis a vis the Turkish shoot down Russia exercised restraint. And LOL if you think Russia should feel threatened by nato and the US. The whole colition is a clusterfuck with no leadership. Russia would shoot down a nato jet then what ? Breedlove phones Obama ? Whats the Nobel Peace prize winner gonna do ? Call on WW3 ?…
what has the Philipines got out of this US relationship anyway ? They are dirt poor. Maybe they will pivot to China and cut a deal cuz they ain’t getting anything out of the lame duck US