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    Europe is not diversifying away from Russia and toward the house of Saud. But its just very American to think that its a good thing to be doing less business with a fellow Jedau Christian society (Russia), in favor of the society that attacked you on 9/11(House of Saud)

    Agree with your side note. The Syrian govt army is the secular arab army that the US coalition needs. But it seems that the US cannot support Assad because it goes against the wishes of Saudi Arabia.

    Yet another US Army Major General (ret) calls out Turkey for the downing of the Russian jet. Says Turkey is a threat to NATO within NATO.

    Lol thats so American of you. Diversify away from Russian gas to buy Saudi gas ! lololol

    Nobody can compete with Russian gas prices now. And Russia has more room to move on the price.

    Where are you getting those numbers ? Russia is bombing more in Syria then the US. Period.

    If Europe or the US cared about their own populations, they would halt all immigration from Islamic nations for starters.

    Now playing

    As one of your own. Ask a former Norad commander. It was a pre planned ambush by Turkey. There was not enough time to legitimatly shoot down the jet and it went against intl protocol. So yes. Since Obama endorsed the attack and Turkey has not apologized then Russia has a free shot under the same circumstances. Russia

    United Soviet Socialist Americas. When the cold war ended, the socialists just switched sides. Now look who is spreading socialism around the world at gunpoint ?

    How is that not comparable ? Schiff was a political prisoner so they sent him to prison to die. And what you just said is how all govts justify their actions. That was a clear cut and dry case I brought up. You brought up the conspiracy theories. Putin has a 90% approval rating. You think he needs to kill off his

    The “Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances” is a diplomatic memorandum that was signed in December 1994 by Ukraine, Russia, the United States, and the United Kingdom.

    Yeah and in that same accord, NATO was not supposed to move east.

    There is enough airpower above Syria. Geez..

    As has been shown, all sects of Syrians have piled into Assad controlled areas and they are now openly supporting Assad. You can see it on the American Front Line documentary or on recent Vice News hits. The moderates of all sects are supporting Assad now. In the last Vice News piece, they go into a group fighting

    Why hasn’t Europe disclosed the flight recordings ? Where is all of the US’s so called satellite image evidence ? Russia has put its evidence on the table but the other side has not. Just empty allegations. There isn’t enough information to make a determination yet. I still find it scary that Putins presidential jet

    Russia has almost no debt and the 7th biggest hoard of forign exchange reserves in the world. It does not need money as badly as you think.

    No actually there isn’t. Ever since Japan, nuclear power is not easy to get and nobody can compete with Russian prices.

    That would be against international law. There is a treaty covering that. Its not simply a pawn on the chess board.