And I would say this, I obviously didn't agree with a goddamn thing you were trying to say. I understood it, but don't agree with your perception.
And I would say this, I obviously didn't agree with a goddamn thing you were trying to say. I understood it, but don't agree with your perception.
So if the society we live in today stems from a society that treated women just as the "third world" countries still do, don't you think some of those sentiments, realities, et cetera could still be intwined in our current society? Through history, women have also been fucked over. That doesn't change 50 years after…
It's accurate
Lots of assumptions that give little credit to other and whole lot of credit to yourself. You seem less like a Humanist and more like a Kermynist.
Kermy Kermy Kermy:
You are the same "humanist" who was more concerned over the potential that more than one sports program would be shutdown than for the well being of many people already being sexually abused.
You may identify as a humanist, but you aren't. Everything I have ever seen you say reveals you as more…
So ONE team's program is shut down and THAT is the problem? The problem isn't the astronomically high number of girls and women getting sexually abused? Wow, I was way off. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
I don't think pot and french fries are mutually exclusive. In fact, they coalesce into a beautiful hangover remedy.
Actually, I turn the channel when those things come on because I find them annoying and silly.
I don't sound like fun because a seriously horrendous story about a father accidentally causing his child to die generates an emotional reaction from me? Yea, ok.
Jesus Christ, some fucking people...
Everything about this story makes me want to just bawl my eyes out. UGH
Perhaps you should try listening and believing people sometimes. I know, radical idea.
Their accounts might conflict with your experiences/perceptions...but what does it say about you if you are unwilling to validate the experiences of others? The reason you've experienced so much backlash is because of this; using a…
Let's's what I said, "many women".
Here's what you said, "All women"; "all women"; "you propose to speak for all women?"; "are you speaking for all men?".
See the issue? Please don't put words in my mouth and then believe that you've successfully challenged my point when all you've done is expound hyperbole,…
Do you like a REALLY good 100% angus cheeseburger? I know I do. But you know, I don't think I'd enjoy having like 10/day for many years straight. I also don't think I'd like it if 9/10 were actually 2 week old McDonald's "cheese"burgers. Yuck, no thanks.
Just because it is nice to occasionally get compliments or…
Does Jezebel not have editors?
I honestly don't see anything in this. Did he do or say anything that could be construed as caricaturizing Jewish people/culture while wearing these items? If not, I tend to believe him and will think he is completely innocent of these claims.
This seems to me like a case of seeing controversy where we want to see it.
Looks like the CGI found in PS2 video game cut scenes...
I heard your interview on NPR last night, you did a very good job! Congrats on the exposure too!
"These aren't assumptions, really. I am betting they are correct."
So they're assumptions. And yes, I do work in the field.
I came to the party late, I guess. Thanks for the compliments :)
Please note that my understanding of the MRA may be inaccurate. Is the rhetoric from the writers and commenters of the website ReturnOfKings considered MRA rhetoric? I am under the current impression that it is. If it is, then I stand my my initial comment. If RoK rhetoric is different than that of the MRA, then…