
First: I agree with you, she is saying WOC shouldn’t be offended.

“I...thought this article was dumb and an overreaction. I ‘get it’ and yet, still think it’s an overreaction” = “you shouldn’t be offended”

Second: I agree that, “Telling anyone they are entitled to their opinion is super fucking dismissive” but aren’t

So, in your own words, here are the amount and types of things that happened in the interview that had an explicit or implicit sexual element:

They look racist too; all of their cheese is white!

If only I had more pearls to clench!

“But was he a good doctor?”

Is this a legitimate questions? You do understand that without training he could literally do jack shit, right?

No, he was not a good doctor. A good doctor knows how to operate 1000s of unique lab equipment; a good doctor knows how to operate or conduct complicated procedures; a good doctor

Oops! You are right, it’s the same instagram account as the picture in Jia’s original post...which I incorrectly thought was Ben’s. Thank you for the correction.

And another! This guy’s a winner!

Also, this gem...

He has at least one more with blackface:

So one thinks that a tattoo and bald cap makes him look like a “badboy” and the other thinks that black skin makes him look like a “badboy” it

“In large part, these stores are owned by folk that send their profits back to their homeland and then in turn use these funds against our country to create turmoil, fear and in some cases death and destruction.”

Oh, you mean kind of like how most “American” companies use foreign tax havens? Where literally billions of

It’s the male baboons who display their asses

Killer Klowns from Outerspace rules all

Now playing

Can you imagine what it would have looked like if it was released in the early 90’s? Say 1993, to be exact?

Probably something like this:

Nailed it

I feel dumb; I don’t understand the point of this article.

Also, I think you’d have to be dumb to not want to be a “YouTube Star”. Basically, these people get to spend all their time with their family and they get paid tons of money. Now, I wouldn’t want to be THIS type of YouTube star, but I would absolutely love to be a variety of other types of YouTube star. Seriously,

The kind of woman who likes the $1million-a-year lifestyle...I’m guessing

As a zombie connoisseur, I disagree with you. The first season was interesting. Season two was majorly flat. Season three and four were decent. Season five was class.

He’s naked, at a resort, with company (you can see someone on the couch, through the glass)...I would say it is likely he either recently had sex or was about to have sex; that was probably not his “at-rest” size.