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    Obviously you're not a GoT fan. ;-)

    I also think Dany doesn't make it. Partly the "Jon's not a bastard" relation (which we saw coming), and partly with her willingness to burn people made me think maybe she isn't the best option.

    Too incest-y! I think maybe she dies. Who the hell knows? Maybe Little Sam will sit on the Iron Throne. JK

    He's so shit at telling characters what they need to know. He must know all about Baelish, so I'm curious why he doesn't say shit about that. Also he's saving up quite a lot to say to Jon in person, when some of the less sensitive shit could be handled by raven.

    He's killing it better than Bronn now. I have mixed feelings on that.

    I think one of them dies so that the audience doesn't have to live forever with the discomfort of the incest angle. Just guessing.

    Does anybody else think that the bittersweet ending that was promised is that, having won the war with the White Walkers (and maybe even some hanky panky together, or more "cave action" as it's known in Westeros), either Jon or Dany die so they can't be together, because that's too incest-y?

    Right? All that armour! And they appeared to have swum like at least an Olympic pool's length from where they went in *the incredibly conveniently deep bit of the pond,* with that armour on. Bugged me.

    So… this isn't a gift, it's a problem.

    She sullied him.

    When he does he can shout, "Euron, trouble now!"

    Yeah… not sure that quite justifies the murder of everybody in the Sept though, much as I didn't dig the batshit cultists. I thought Jamie might just be a little standoffish for a while at least… Ah, fuck it. I'm just waiting for some more White Walker action. Ha.

    Yeah, I'm pickin' up what you're puttin' down. Still… not cool. But it does make for great tv!

    Considering that she's into fire, and that Dany threatened Varys with fire last week, I am betting on one nasty BBQ.

    Melisandre says she'll come back to Westeros to die one day, as will Varys. I believe her. And just like that, my dreams of a Varys/Tyrion spin off show one day are up in smoke.

    Not enough struggle. Too much, "I'm still getting laid, so I guess I'm cool with it." Where is the Jamie who was traveling with Brienne and giving (or starting to give) a shit? He killed the Mad King for threatening to do what Cersei actually followed through on.

    I noticed that with Bronn fighting by Jamie's side, he's on a different team than Tyrion now. Wondering how that'll play out…

    But if you look at it from Jon's point of view, when he last saw her she was a very young girl pining after Joffrey and lemon cakes, not necessarily in that order. She's grown up quite a bit.

    They're really gherkin our collective chain with this.