
agreed RE distance. Remember NYC to Chicago is LONGER (by about 50 miles) than Paris to Rome. London to Paris is about the same distance as NYC to Paris. Take an Acella, it is 2:55, take a Eurostar it is 3:15. What? The US train takes less time to go the same distance? On top of that, the Acella makes stops

Reading “The Rest of Asimov” will take some doing - hundreds of books. He wrote under EVERY major Dewey decimal section! Just taking care of the Foundation series is ‘non trivial” and it merges with another of his series (won’t spoil it). I think towards the end it was just cash cow, but the original 3? Wow

Stranger is Heinlein. I re-read Dune every couple of years, been years since I read 1984. Love the Foundation trilogy. Dhalgren I hated (even if Mr Delany went to my HS and I’ve met him). Crytonomicon? I think I made it 3/4 through before I said “enough” (But I do love Snowcrash and Diamond Age, go figure)