
Missed opportunities:

His recent book UndeNYEable

You're using a bunch of big words and you kinda lost me there.

I misspoke. We only sync one way as well. That is on purpose because, as you said, accidental deletes. The one thing to note is that it is against their TOS to use as a professional service. Other than that, if you have prime already give it a shot. Do note, that it will backup your videos automatically and that eats

Haha, I was being sarcastic. I'm a Democrat and really dislike how the GOP is fear mongering the public into believing that we're going to need to go to war with Russia and China to get elected. It's a dangerous thing.

That works great when you have a job with no repercussions. Meanwhile, in the real world, having clear processes and checklists and mistake proofing can save your job, or even your life.

Why: It's the best value you can get for the money. If you want the best hardware you can buy, the best customer support you can get, and the best OS support for the hardware, look no further. I suggest buying direct from Google to get the best experience, but I've had mine for almost a year now and I would buy it

Abstinence is the best form of prevention ;)

Don't worry. It cleared procurement by being classified as "interrogation equipment."

Somewhere, stowed away on one of America's floating fortresses, occupying precious space in its holds, is a dunking booth made with MIL-spec hardware.

all i say is google dan carlin's common sense podcast episode 'poking the bear' and see one of the most intellectually fascinating and unbiased arguments on this subject.

Columbus, OH has been my chosen home for 20+ years. The article spends a lot (an inordinate) amount of time on OSU and football. Yes, people are mad for the Buckeyes here, but there's so much more to the town. A really burgeoning art scene, the largest maker-space in the country, world-renown Zoo, great local food

There are various ways the US keeps this stuff off the market. For starters, to operate a missile, you have to have certain clearances from federal agencies like the FAA. They're considered destructive devices and covered by a range of laws and regulatory agencies. Moreover, the US funds the development of these

One ping Vasily. One ping only please.

Now that's the sort of plane I want to party with.

Yes, this has been around for a while. However it's not what people are asking for- we're asking for the files to be visible in Google Drive, so that we can sync them to the Desktops. There is no function like this built into G+. What good is auto-backup if I can't sync it to my Desktop and upload to whatever site I

I'm Nazi-ing your point...

Because my mother raised me to be a gentleman. And a gentleman knows that there is a right way and a wrong way to introduce Nazis into a conversation.