Where was this article back before my wife went to the ER for an avocado stab?! Or at least publish this before the other time my wife went to the ER for an avocado stab!
Where was this article back before my wife went to the ER for an avocado stab?! Or at least publish this before the other time my wife went to the ER for an avocado stab!
It was buggy. I loved that game too, but I remember calling up the Lucasarts tech support line. There were typical stability bugs, but also gameplay bugs. If I’m recalling my gripes, it would take way longer to produce ships as the game went on. Something was really unbalanced...
Remember when Uncle Owen told Luke to clean up the droids, Luke whines, and then is later wiping down the droids? I think Luke pulls out an angle grinder and goes dark side on R2's paint as a special FU to beloved Uncle. In a deleted scene, Owen beats the jamba juice out of Luke and Luke repaints R2.
Bomber = Kickstarter scam?
Weak topic for a SJW...
Great article and a great reminder that 1v1 specs comparisons are irrelevant: offense starts with intelligence capability and defense is built upon multi-platform integration!
I’ll see your good tip, and raise you a magnet to keep your allen wrenches handy (obviously only on metal things). It doesn’t wear out like tape and it feels more future-y.
You mean Illinois Nazis? I hate Illinois Nazis.
For a) we can probably agree that the strut pattern to be evident to anyone who briefly considers the snow pattern. However, on a car that hasn’t been used for 24 hours, I find it illuminating that the air in the hood patterns is an insulator retaining heat. I’ve even worked in thermal engineering fields, and I fail…
Force fields. Come on man!
Liberated a shitload of sodium and potassium from the high school chemistry lab storage room. Then, made a BIG fireball by tossing the jars in some standing water.
You’re talking about an important balance we all need to figure out over our lives. My two cents is that, even when young, you can be confident in traits like a desire to learn, admitting when you’re wrong or uneducated on a topic, and good old fashioned work ethic. It becomes (very transparent, IMHO) arrogance when a…
Few adults are proud of how much time they spend dicking around on their phones. So, they work extra hard to engage their child in non-screen activities while they’re young and developing. If you disagree with this, raise your children however you like.
Wow, you must be really fun at—oh, nevermind. Good day!
I’ll add another reason not mentioned below: vehicle geometry doesn’t benefit. Linear aerospikes could fit well into a flattened spaceplane shape, Millennium Falcon style. Round rockets don’t need flat engines. And annular aerospikes can be heavy compared to bells. There’s potential, but lots of research money needed…
As someone who hires customer-facing project managers, I’m disappointed to see a candidate who doesn’t try to negotiate. I’ll want you to go to bat for the company when it’s deserved, and it’s not the least bit offensive for you to go to bat for yourself! Obviously not a deal-breaker if I’ve made an offer already, but…
Anyone run through this entire list, but in reverse, trying to play a cherished vintage game on your nice new PC?! I’m looking at you Star Wars Episode 1 (Pod) Racer...