

Oh God we are calling something the size of a Yukon a crossover now. THANKS FOR FOR MAKING THAT WORD EVEN MORE MEANINGLESS!!!!

I just use my personality.

First the Volvo limo, now this. You’re a depraved man, Max.

My favorite part was when Patrick bugged out a little.  Slow down, Raph!

Well shit, I’m convinced. My parents might be moving in a couple years and they have a big dresser. If I buy a Super Duty F-250 Limited I will be ready, just in case said dresser doesn’t fit on the moving truck. Always be prepared, I say.

Wasn’t this the “Veyron” before the Veyron? And an example of a time when VW corporate pulled the plug on a project because they couldn’t have one of their brands messing with the hierarchy?

Just to call out: this can happen anywhere, not just limited to AirBnB. It can happen at regular hotels. It can happen in public bathrooms. It can happen in your apartment. You should be diligent everywhere.

Imagine if Toyota had to crash 900,000 cars every time they came out with a new generation of Toyota Camry”

Oh good god NP. This is a dream car. Fantastic Q car with an amazing sounding engine. Perfect for a summer car Sunday driver.

Some electric buses charge in a similar manner, but on the roof. It’s harder for pedestrians to touch the electrical parts this way too.

*looking around nervously*

No way. My search and rescue pup is never on leash. Most people don’t realize it because he walks calmly at the heal until given the break command.

I’d rather share a plane with dogs than children. The dogs are universally better behaved.

I bet they got extra points for this move.

Fuck this car

If that were the case we’d bury them, too.