95% of reddit is men who vastly overestimate how awesome they are while denigrating everyone else so take their testimony with a grain of salt
95% of reddit is men who vastly overestimate how awesome they are while denigrating everyone else so take their testimony with a grain of salt
Her voice is a soothing, yet haunting mix that makes me think of my younger self. I like this song.
Her voice is a soothing, yet haunting mix that makes me think of my younger self. I like this song.
Um her music is extremely good for xanax abusing on your period days or so I am told from the self-sent texts messages I read days later.
i like the song. i love the video. ready for you, ldr.
Lucky you. All the stars for your name.
My Birchbox came. It has a lipstick that actually works for my thin, naturally DARK lips! Lipstick usually makes me look terrible so I am stoked about this one.
Instead, she got beat down by Matt Lauer, who responded to her usual word soup with, “Kellyanne, that makes no sense.”
If the purpose of the day is to show the impact of women in the workforce, I still think staying home (even if it means your kid stays home too) is worth it. Not that you need to be reminded, but if a school day is disrupted it proves the entire point-- You (the general you) depend on women to do their jobs so you can…
I feel like there’s too much expectation on the player’s side from this. I don’t understand how anybody could not realize that the update would have taken quite a bit of time to punch through. Not to mention, when they did the “Babies” update all I saw were complaints that they should have just released everything all…
It took me YEARS to become OK with the fact that if there isn’t a strong female lead character I’m not interested in reading/watching etc. I thought that was picky and bitchy of me when I was younger, but honestly that shouldn’t be too high of a standard to meet. In retrospect that makes me sad and I’m glad that OS is…
Mad Max Fury Road wasn’t white man centric, it was white woman centric. And Slumdog Millionare isn’t white guy centric either.
Yep! A very vocal protest voter friend of mine has completely stopped posting anything political and now it’s all Phish quotes and peaceful namaste unicorns all over her page. Thanks, asshole.
Hey you unmotivated non-voters and anti-Hillary protest voters, still feeling so fucking self-righteous? If you think we’re gonna last long enough to have that Susan Sarandon advertised “revolution” at the ballot box, then have I got a bridge to Russia to sell to you!
I think it’s becoming more and more clear that Trump colluded with the Russians to throw the election in return for him lifting sanctions on Russia for invading Ukraine (and whatever else they do in the future).
I’ve got to tell you, if I look down a list of characters on a film, and it doesn’t have gay, African-American or Latin characters, I’m probably not going to spend my money on the ticket. I’m going to be real honest with you. I see enough of the homogeneity, and I don’t need to support it with my dollar.
26?!!! You are either out of your mind, using the absolute worst TP on the planet, or both. Get some halfway decent stuff and you should be fine with 3-4.
Yo, so I skillfully combined two memes in one: ‘How it feels to listen to a podcast’ & ‘woman laughing alone with salad’. I’m ... a very lonely person.
Netflix cheating is only possible if you can actually settle on a damn show to watch. Seriously, the amount of time we spend flipping through Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime is just criminal.
So are we a host when we have a penis inside us? Does that penis belong to us while we are hosting it? Can we do with it whatever we want? Just asking.