Unless you live in like, North Dakota. Then you’re kind of fucked.
Unless you live in like, North Dakota. Then you’re kind of fucked.
I disagree with Senator Graham on pretty much all the issues, but out of all the people running for the Republican nomination, he’s always struck me as the most competent, serious, and reasonable candidate (arguably because he’s never been in any of the main-stage debates). Which says a lot about the rest of them.
I also shake my little booty for stress relief.
I thought she said outside AND other side
Oh jeez. So preditable: girl Jez crushed on massively must be broken down now!
Oh dear, I hope Kate doesn’t hurt her delicate hands from all that pearl-clutching.
sorry-not-sorry, but any man who rapes me is giving me permission to do whatever i like with his wang, including chopping it off and tossing it out the nearest window. don’t like the thought, then don’t rape. easy to avoid.
Can we go one FUCKING day around here without calling a woman who was abused to the point of chopping someones penis off OLD? FUCK. No one cares about your boner.
I hate when people decide that because something is “girly” it’s not serious. Not everyone is going to want to cure cancer or want to deal with “heavy issues”. This is all female start- up that’s actively mentoring other women and girls. This is amazing and should be celebrated as such without qualifiers.
This is as important a story as Deadspin has ever done. My contempt for Hardy, Jones and Goodell is matched only by my admiration for Diana’s epic reporting.
This is beyond horrifying.
“..bought Marengo a coffee and a glazed doughnut..”
I would argue yes, whether or not you’ve read the book. Every adaptation is an interpretation anyway, and the film is beautifully shot and tremendously powerful. You will never look at a fox the same way again.
I’m a Scully in the streets and Mulder in the sheets.
god fucking bless you, Madeleine.
I come from a family of non-huggers, where strangers feel awkward on our behalf at departures because where others would naturally hug, we don’t. My in-laws decided my family is wrong! Wrong, dammit, and it makes THEM uncomfortable to NOT hug me, so why should MY discomfort trump THEIRS?!
It doesn’t hurt that Clinton and Richards are about 19x smarter than anyone else in the room.