
I'd agree but I don't think they're getting suspended because what they did trivialized rape and was disrespectful to victims out there, I think they're getting suspended because Oregon thinks it was disrespectful to Winston and FSU.

As someone who has been involved in anti-sexual violence work for over 20 years and was seriously dismayed at the circus that FSU turned their "investigation" (cough, cough) into in order to protect a football player and someone who will earn millions of dollars for the university . . . I actually think that shaming

I have to say, it's shitty that the Oregon players are receiving more punishment than the rapist in this situation.

The whole game was a trivialization of sexual assault. The announcers were hammering on the fact that FSU had a chip on their shoulders because they felt the country was against them, and against Winston in particular, and they never, EVER mentioned why.


My mom had a vessel in her brain hemorrhage about 10 years ago, and for 3 months, she was in a neuro ICU and couldn't speak and we thought she was going to die. She didn't, and I thank God for that every day.

Yeah, I have $150 in checking to last me until the 1st. Dov can kiss my shiny butt.

I spent most of the appointment asking if I needed his permission to do things. "Put this gown on," was followed by, "Should I call my husband first?"

"Give me your arm so I can draw blood/take your blood pressure." Did I need to call him first?

"Put your feet in the stirrups." Did I need to call my husband?

The point

Nope. Read what I wrote. If a man doesn't want to pay support he can keep his sperm to himself.

I love how whenever crazy conservatives in government have a choice between wasting time trying to fuck over women and minorities and actually governing, they choose fucking over women and minorities every time. At least they're dependable.

Did the woman provide written consent for the man to ejaculate in the first place?

I remember years ago, a woman called into the C-SPAN morning show because she wanted to talk about conditions for injured soldiers at Walter Reed and how she was in Washington and had gone in to see them and was appalled at the state of the hospital. The host asked her some more questions and deduced (correctly) that

Oh noooo girl. Nooo.

I enjoyed where this one went, and how quickly it got there: "Anyway, fuck those mountain climbers. Fuck 'em all."

As a man I refuse to use any safety straps.

This AHS season is a snooze, I tried, I really did. But the story just isn't as compelling as previous seasons and I've been hooked since season one in that weird house with Connie Britton and Vera Farmiga's niece. =(

Thanks man, I'll never sleep again

I just love that she met her husband doing a sex scene with him in a church. I can't stop smiling at that! She looks like such a sweetheart, and sounds like such a good sport. I think I'd quite like to have pretend sex with her myself now.

I am a "liberal white folk" and I do not think this way. I am actually very appalled by this article and am hoping that it is satire. (Which it probably isn't)

Are you fucking kidding me with this shit? Is this how liberal white folks think? Gotta catch em all like races are Pokemon?