
What about vaginal apathy? Do they have lasers for that yet?

Demonizing fat people doesn't help. He's a bad fucking person, size has nothing to do with it.

Come on now. Pregnancy is your own fault. You don't deserve special accommodations for something you choose to do, as opposed to something outside your control like losing your license due to repeat DUIs.

"Penetration by any object 'associated with violence'"

Yeah, this is definitely some anti-woman pleasure bullshit.

So facefucking and male ejaculation are banned too?


As if I needed another reason to love Terry Crews.

Last night I wish somebody stabbed me. My mother in law said: "I consider myself a progressive but why can't lesbians dress better? They aren't doing themselves any favors by trying to look like men. They should look more feminine and who knows, maybe they will catch the eye of a man and become straight. Isn't

GUYS... This is almost exactly the same fucking story from 2004-2005 at UVA:

Joke's on you rich guy. I just made it my wallpaper for free.

Take heart young female artists! You may be shunned, pitied, and broke the entire time you're alive, but just think how rewarding it will be that after you're dead, people with obscene amounts of money will absentmindedly trade upon your reputation to engage in financial pissing matches like investing in so many hog

Good for Katy Perry. I know people are going to criticize her and say, "Well if you don't want to deal with paparazzi then you shouldn't have become a pop star!" Just because someone is rich and famous doesn't mean they're not entitled to privacy and it doesn't give these leeches the right to go overboard.

That's what I thought too. I just wish people actually understood how herd immunity works. I'm a pharmacist and I have been giving hundreds of flu shots over the last month; whenever people ask me about vaccine safety or tell me about friends/family who are against vaccination, I give them my spiel about herd immunity

I'm terrifying of having a Brian for a son.

Reaching for the positive in this story: ROCK ON, OKLAHOMA KNITTING FEMINISTS.

""Your daughter sleeps around. A harlet [sic]. I saw a video of her and she was moaning like she loved it.""

Nope, you're wrong. A lot of her songs are awesome.

It's actually spelled "8008135," Azealia.