
Of course, that would result in most pets never being adopted in the first place, and a whole lot of younger and healthier animals getting euthanized as a result.

From my point of view - better that I adopted my cat from the county shelter and gave him several years of a happy and healthy life. If I can't afford

Shout out to my great-grandmother, who had the charm of a fucking snapping turtle

I have to walk to the bus to go to the laundramat. They save so much weight and space .

I'm a barista in the Midwest. One of my coworkers started at Starbucks before coming to our shop; and had me in tears after he told me about a rednecky gentleman who came in to order one night. I guess this guy strode in and jovially, loudly asked him, "Hey man! Y'all got them, uh, caramel machetes here?!"

I don't care. I'm not going back to loose powder or liquid detergent. If a couple of kids have to die for my laundry-doing convenience then, well, that's how you make omelettes.

After years of following her on twitter, I was genuinely shocked to find out what she really looks like.

Frankly, I think it's adorable that the most scandalous thing a Duggar has ever done is fuck her own husband.

Or be an adult and acknowledge that some weddings carry religious, cultural, and family traditions that yours doesn't and keep your fool mouth shut.

omg you're so cool you don't care about weddings

I remember friends asking me if I was going on a diet after I got engaged. I said "nope" and I deliberately chose a nice, structured dress in which I felt comfortable eating. Do not regret.

This is why I don't leave the house without taking a double dose of Immodium. There's nothing like the knowledge that it would be absolutely fucking impossible to poop even if you wanted to to make you feel secure.

If you could quarantine against stupid, New Jersey would be without a governor.

I can't find it in my heart to hate her. She seems smart and earnest. Sure, she's a little twee but it works for her and doesn't distract from her talent. She writes her own songs, she seems to genuinely care about her fans and she gets a lot of unfair blow back for being a "serial dater" which she handles with a lot

Jenny McCarthy's 12-year old son must be so embarrassed all the time.

I would have taken his name, too. Under these circumstances it's just another scalp for the belt. She's on the next level.

my husband and I solved that problem (although it wasn't planned or anything) by having sex that morning before the wedding. I'm not dogging my friends who decided to spend the night before their wedding away from their grooms, but that's just not my style. Our wedding was lots of fun & we returned to our hotel tipsy,

Ok. I give up. I love Taylor Swift. I think she has a hilarious, dry sense of humor and is not in the slightest bit afraid of making fun of herself. I like her music, I like her attitude and I want to be her friend.

hey jude

Because judges always, especially if the opposing party has no issue, grant leaves and extensions. Always. If asking for a leave was a huge thing that no one ever did, I might have a bit less sympathy here, but it's not. Extensions are granted as a matter of course, and the fact that this judge didn't is wrong (if not