
I give a strong cosign to jada pinkett

It's amazing how many people only give a shit about injustices against women in less-developed countries when injustices against women in the countries they live in are being discussed.

The worst part is, there is no other way IN THE WORLD to buy a full size bottle of dove body wash and big sexy hairspray.

Is it bad that my only takeaway from this is that Willow Smith is only 13? I could have sworn that girl had to be at least 16 by now. ( I realized after typing this that it sounds like a totally creepy, "honestly officer, I thought she was 18", but I mean it as she's been around for at least a few years and I thought

for real though. babysitting sucks.

Amen to that, I'm 33 yrs old and I'm still not on the baby train. I was forced to babysit my niece and nephew when I was in my teens. Not into it, at all.


There is an uncomfortable misogyny there, just like there is with Patrick Wilson. "Come on, look at the heifers they are married to! They've gotta be gay! They can get any hot chick they want!"


Two things I actually really LIKED about my body until I read Seventeen articles about how to dress to "fix" my flaws: my long torso and hooded eyes! Up until reading a bunch of magazine articles about my gollum-like eyes and hideous torso, I actually thought they were some of my better feature (longer torso = more

Oh, Emma, I want to quit judging my body, but I fell asleep in the sun this past Saturday, got a super bad sunburn on my face, and it's at the stage where it's still really red but starting to peel! I look like a mummified boiled lobster.

There is something about a very spare, minimal shop with only a few items that makes me reluctant to shop there. I know my brain is supposed to think that they have very few items because each item is very exclusive but all I can think is that they can't possibly have what I'm looking for. Anybody else have this issue?

She must literally shit bricks.

How heartbreaking that she was taken an route to trying to work with the system on her child, and then dismissed as a runaway and uncaring mom.

So, even though she was reported missing, nobody was looking for her? That's disturbing.

Especially because here in Auckland, New Zealand things are pretty chill. Even when we have celebrities here, it's not like it is in America. We do not really have the same paparazzi culture, so it would be so weird and scary for her

Its scary just to watch happen, I cant imagine being the one they take pictures of. I could never figure out why celebrities all wore sun glasses until I saw them swarm, you would be blind from the flashes other wise. And all those pictures of people falling over leaving the club, its not being wasted - its people

I love you, internet

I would just like to say that when Man-dy Summers and I broke up for a week, I was in flight school, and had a checkride (aka an evaluation flight) the next day. I was miserable, and my Resting Bitch Face took on new levels. I hit my head on the stabilator (aka metal thing on the back of a blackhawk) while doing my

Well, it's nice that Jan Brewer could take a break from targeting immigrants to actually do something for the greater good.