
I feel bad but my first reaction was to think of this:

Squirrels were attacking people taking selfies, and police were confiscating stereos of people who played Celine Dion on repeat. It was as close to karmic justice as humanity ever got.

I will straight up KILL someone for licking me in the Walgreens.

If that had been me today, getting licked by some random asshole customer, I would have fucking lost it. The licking and unwanted ass-groping would have been overshadowed by his gristly evisceration with my bare hands. It was that kind of day.

Walgreens is one of my happy places. This story is so much ugh. ALL THE UGH.

That's why it says "preference" instead of "orientation" as there is a difference and there are sexual preferences that do cause harm.

If buttsex is so unnatural, then why is poop dick-shaped?

Same but I thought his letter was actually very powerful.

This. Kids see those dumb over-the-top proposals that go viral and they just want to be next. We, as the viewers, need to stop letting crap like that go viral.

Fun story time!

Actually, I went three times. Thanks for stopping by!!!!

Ok, so say America gets mad. Then what?

I know many white men who have those attitudes as well. I think this article does a great job of showing how the way Asian men are specifically oppressed plays into certain attitudes they may develop towards women, but most Asian men I know personally are progressive, thoughtful people. I know plenty of Asian women as

My dogs get grain-free duck and sweet potato food that costs me $63 for 25 lbs. Add in the fact that I'm usually a giant sucker and buy them a couple cans of premium grain-free canned food for "special treats" at $2 a pop, plus all natural dog cookies. And of course, they get organic peanut butter stuffed Kong toys

Yes. The fancy pants grain-free canned stuff! I feel like I'm just slowly inching towards more and more expensive canned food, because my cat just doesn't eat much food to begin with so I feel justified in "spoiling" her. I got made fun of at a very dog-centric pet store yesterday for reading all the labels on the

I do the same, and my girls spent the first 4 years of their lives eating friskies, so the transition was actually kind of tough. I don't know what they put into those grocery store foods, but cats really like them.

My cats are all inside-only so I don't take them to the vet often at all, but what money I save there goes to good-quality catfood (usually grain-free but sometimes I mix it up) and litter. I actually spend more on their food than I do on my own every month...

That is exactly where my money goes when I spend it on the kitty. Grain free Natural Balance cat food. It's $1.50 a can when you buy it but the case and $1.69 as individuals at Petco. Plus the bags of dry food at $30 each... Yeesh. The cat eats better than I do some days.

We switched to grain free last summer and it was the best thing we've ever done. My vet approved our previous food (Iams). My dog had seizures a few times a year. We switched last year and she hasn't had once since. I feel horrible we didn't do it sooner but we didn't know and as I said, it was okayed by our vet.

Yeah, my dog is grain free and poultry free (yay allergies!) and it gets expensive. I started comparing the ingredients in my food to the ingredients in his and got a little sad.