
Logically, I know that the government should not be allowed to use cruel and unusual punishment and that there are huge issues with a death penalty, but since this already happened, I can't help but feel that it couldn't have happened to a nicer rapist/murderer.

Black girl here. For years I dated a guy who was also not white, but I didn't know until we'd been together for a while that he was not really that okay with black people in general. He viewed me as somehow exceptional, and it made me sick inside to know that he felt that black people had to prove themselves to him,

Misogynists marry women all the time. It means absolutely nothing about their actual feelings towards a person they are supposed to love or care about.

I'm creeped out and amused at the same time. I'm glad her family honored her memory in a way that reflected who she was in life. That's a pretty awesome way to funeral.

It should be a school matter, as well, just as it would be an employment matter in that context. What you propose - no school consequences for out-of-school behavior - is far more infantilizing than the converse. In real life, your actions have consequences both in and out of the context in which they're committed.

Epsilon Iota is a nonfrat (or fauxternity, if you will)

You know what? I finally bit the bullet and let my psych prescribe me medication to address my crippling BDD and eating disorder. Coming to that point in this recovery process was so difficult and took admitting a lot of vulnerability. Admitting to myself and my partner that, just because I don't "binge and purge,"


So tell me, seeing as the man in the first video (the one freaked out by body hair) seems to be hairless himself, does that make him a woman?

Women with low voices = sexy. See Kathleen Turner. The problem I have had with men with high pitched voices is that they had a tendency to whine. You sound like a little kid. Stop that now.

Ah, Fruit by the Foot and Fruit Roll ups came in quite handy when my geeklets requested I make candy sushi in lieu of cake at last year's birthday party.

The husband should not forget during intercourse to tell his wife how much he loves her, how wonderful he thinks she is, how much delight she is bringing him.

FLOTUS like a butterfly, sting like a bee. She is awesome.

In my last job, I wrote a column for an association publication. It had a full-length portrait that appeared next to what I wrote. I looked OK, not great in them, mainly because the art director picked dumb shots. I have a normal figure. You would not BELIEVE how many people told me I should get them reshot or

That's not the first thing I think of when I hear "fappy" ...

Yeah, my husband actually has some of the same clothes from before we were married. He wears them a lot. But I think comic book character shirt + baggy pants only attracts a certain weird type of lady (mainly me).

I've saved myself the trouble and let myself go before marriage.

Oh that doesnt matter. Because men have no part in the creation of another human life. It's all the wimminz fault

I've always liked Anne Hathaway. And, hey, props to her for both recognizing she was overexposed and being able to laugh about it.