Charlize can do better.
Charlize can do better.
I'm in that -40 region. It is unreal. My dog has never been so acutely aware of her exposed butthole. She's not having it. PS: I wish I were doing both aforementioned activities, but alas, I am working. Eff.
Charlotte: you are a hero.
This is the most fascinating thing I have ever read on Jezebel. Holy shit that is so scary.
So before the "BUT BIRTH DEFECTS" brigade comes marching in, let's consider the per capita rates of various issues based on maternal age. We will assume that paternal age is either a non-factor or constant at "whatevs" because this is about women being shamed into babby-making, not the other way around.) Also because…
I totally agree in fact at some point I suggested that Olvia/Fits is Heathcliff/Catherine or Jane/Rochester (if you prefer). In which case we can look at Mellie as either the crazy (ex) wife in the attic or poor little Isabella. The way Fritz treats Mellie is insufferable. Here is this well educated woman with a great…
Also a Republican. #sorrynotsorry
That's why I only comment on the Jezebel Facebook when I'm shutting someone down. Now you know the name of the person who is calling you out. TAKE THAT.
They would be such a hot couple. Like my heart beat quickens thinking about how hot that is.
I squee(ed) with joy when I saw this on Access Hollywood last night. I really want Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx to be a couple. I don't usually care about celebrity couples, but I surprised myself with the genuine joy this announcement gave me.
I know plenty of people on here obsessively loathe all things Kardashian/Kanye, but I'm kind of impressed that Kim hasn't "sold" her post pregnancy weightloss, as it were, by just tweeting about it. It puts the questions to bed, without seeming cheap. Does that make sense?
It is interesting that he connected misogyny to his own hazing or bullying. If anyone is reading this from a male perspective and trying to understand what it feels like for a woman to hear a rape joke, that is a pretty good perspective to take.
I don't like morning sex. Not only is my breath stinky and I'm covered in a layer of sleep residue, he has stinky breath and is covered in a layer of sleep sweat. I do, however, love afternoon sex. The best is when it's a sunny day and you're feeling a little drowsy, like it's nap time, and you have sex and take a…
People who haven't had their morning coffee aren't worth having sex with.
The porno or the old TV series?
It's almost as though he went out of his way to prove Black women were right with the #BlackPowerIsForBlackMen hashtag. Timing couldn't have been better to prove us right.