K Fein

I learned on a lever action 30/30. Arguably the most dangerous gun ever. No safety, and if you pull the hammer back and don’t shoot, you have to pull the trigger slowly while releasing the hammer so as to not fire. It’s a wonder I never killed anyone with that thing. Or shot myself in the foot.

My brother’s wife had the audacity to go into labor on my other brother’s wedding day. Talk about an attention whore.

How else is the NCAA supposed to prepare athletes for the NFL than by being soft on players who commit violence against women?

Did you guys see this schmuck on Celebrity Jeopardy last week? They had to give him money so he could go into Final Jeopardy, since he was in the negative. And he got smoked by Aaron Rodgers. An athlete.

Will the Olsen quadruplets be participating?

Homeless No Mo