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    Strong and dellacamera are ruining the world cup. They both talk.too.damn.much. They make watching world class players seem like a MLS game. Please just stop talking

    Someone should tell nigel it is illegal to take domeones pucture and use it without their consent. As a big ten alum, hayes is a whack job. Move along

    Moonlight Graham

    Why doesnt usmnt take an early friendly each cycle and play nothing but super young kids, getting them a cap and locking them to the team? You dont need 90 min vs a junk country to gel as a team. Just seems kind of obvious to me.

    I would argue the entire population of st louis missouri is very aware of the extent of jeff fisher’s crimes against football.

    I’d play acosta by himself and kick bradley out to lm/rm in the diamond. He is a defensive liability up the middle (both free kicks outside the box late in the 2nd half were examples)

    I played holding mid in college. Acosta played better than bradley in the position.

    Im assuming you have not been inside a mens bathroom at a hockey game. Im also assuming you wouldnt have the same “unisex bathroom is a good idea” idea

    Charlene and the author for agreeing have obviously not been in a mens bathroom at a hockey game. Its a porta potty at best. Girls dont like porta pottys.

    Who exactly was #0 for wisconsin guarding on that play?

    How is there no love for #30 gray?!?!? The beloved all-hustle fat guard with the rat tail

    He has already seen it. Guaranteed

    Can the world finally agree that st louis got hosed?

    I think we need kyle beckermann to really shore up the defensive midfield