
I straight up called it. Drogon pops up to save the day.

I agree, I'm not defending rape, I'm just saying for a cable network show that has tons of horrible things happening for dramatic effect, cherry picking one above others makes no sense.

Who who who!?!? LOL I don't know anything about this, please tell me!

I like this idea, even though Dany has lost majority control of her dragons lol. Drogon just said "F* it, I'm doing my own thing." He'll probably end up coming back at some point and helping Dany, as well as putting the other 2 in check but I def can imagine all 3 of them raining hell down on a hoard of white walkers

Jon Snow has one. Even though he's not a Stark, he's the bastard of one.


I totally hear you on that. I think it had to happen because at some point they wanted Sansa to be pregnant. How much more drama would that add to her situation. I hear the book(s) is a good read but it's not a guarantee they are going to run the show exactly like in the books. As far as the rape scenes go, really

Talk about jaw-dropper. Every since the first mentioning of white walkers and the vague glimpses we got to see of them, I always wanted to see what would happen. I was even more excited when we finally got a peek at them up close when Sam was hiding behind the boulder and we saw the vast size of the undead walking