How in the god damn F does this dude get away (presumably) without anyone tackling his bitch ass? That dude in the white Cam jersey says “Dad”???!?!? ANd he didn’t do shit. Infuriating.
How in the god damn F does this dude get away (presumably) without anyone tackling his bitch ass? That dude in the white Cam jersey says “Dad”???!?!? ANd he didn’t do shit. Infuriating.
It could be the oxy typing for me here (had ACL surgery on Friday) but I do not understand what this kid did wrong? He seems genuine and perhaps just overwhelmed by the occasion... What am I missing here?
You a Sounders fan I see. Dempsey did next to nothing for the first goal. Was nagbe-yedlin-pulišić.
Pretty sure my U-17 girls team can beat Russia. And most of them are 15. That first goal was one of the worst keeper blunders I’ve seen.
Wait, isn’t Lavar’s mother white? Does that mean Lavar’s foot speed is half fast half slow? Also, is this a dig to his mother? Like, if his piece of shit dad had a kid with a black woman, that kid would be better at basketball because he’d be faster? My hunch is this dude is too stupid to insult anyone on this kind of…
Pretty sure that mic’s off. Also, holy wtf man. Sounders’ fans are the worst.
God damn. How many Yugoslavians are on this team??
One second I’m watching a video of couple of adorable half black/white twins and all is well in the world, next second I’m reading about this shit and it makes me so GD angry. My country can suck sometimes.
Gotta love all the p-word Bears’ fans just standing around and not helping. Someone told me Chi-town was tough? lol... Any word on the outcome of this hideous-ness of a fight?
In the name of all that’s holy, please record this. I would love to see you try to kick a ball 100+ yards (do some reading on the length/width of soccer fields) that goes right down the middle of the net. Regardless of the bounces, this is very difficult, especially under pressure with bodies around you.
Wait. I don’t get pulled over often but when I have, I have never once been asked what my highest level of education is. Has something changed in the last few years since the last time I got pulled over? Should we start carrying our diplomas? Dafuq am I missing here?