
No joke, at first glance I thought that dude in the picture was a young Steve Martin.

My god, with Sorkin writing this, imagine the walk and talks we're going to get between Lucy and Ethel on their way down to the Copa for their latest scheme. That's a long walk, is what I'm saying.

She was terrific as a Lucy stand-in.

Strangely enough, Meryl will STILL get a nomination for this film despite not appearing in it.

Excellent call. And while I was thinking Giamatti for William Frawley, Chiklis is also a pretty inspired choice. His voice certainly is closer to Frawley's.

I mean yes, but recall that Lucy was originally a bit of a glamorous starlet before becoming a comedienne. She was a fashion model with a background in drama (as in, studying drama, not necessarily being a dramatic actress) before breaking into comedy in the big time.

Paul Giamatti for William Frawley

I had that exact same conversation with the person I went and saw it with today. It was unrecognizable to us, as two people who have read the books, but I cannot imagine how weird and confusing it must have been for people unfamiliar with the source material.

I see what you did there, and I like it.

No one is happier about this development than Dennis Perkins.

Which makes me think back to the fact that Hanks almost didn't cast Tom Everett Scott in that role, because he thought he looked too much like a young Hanks.

Underrated Hollywood marriage (though only one half is Hollywood): Mark Hamill and Marilou York. Those crazy kids got married in 1978, right as he was becoming one of the biggest stars on the planet, and they're STILL together.

I found that to be a perfectly affable sentence, and I'll affably ask you not to say anything less than affable about it.

It's weird to watch Dr. Manhattan in a medieval, Professor X-style wheelchair just rolling around Winterfell.

It's funny. My best friend used to be in the Border Patrol (he was actually hired during Bush's mass hirings that Oliver talks about, though as someone who served in the Navy he was actually qualified… he's since moved on and works for Homeland Security). I texted him letting him know Oliver was talking about the BP,

Boy if I had a nickel for every time I had to clarify that no, I did NOT actually jerk off a dog.

"Jared, the Joker doesn't jerk off dogs, it's just not—"
"Shut up and find me another Labrador!"

Let us share in this sordid debauchery together, friend.

Apparently I'm a necrophiliac, then.

I watched some of the first season of AHS and thought it was alright, before it just got a little too… overly stylized? Straight up weird? I'm not sure. Something just finally put me off of it. But I can't tell if I watched as much as I did because I actually enjoyed it, or just because I thought Evan Peters was