
Being in Texas, I feel like Kenneth Branagh in Dunkirk, lamenting that he can almost see home but it may as well be on the other side of the world, at hearing this news.

Next year they'll announce Sugar Free Diet Coke Zero Sugar.

Um… don't look at my post up above. Just… just look elsewhere… oh hey, look, a fluffy rabbit! Over there!

WHAT?! This is bullshit. BULLSHIT. Coke Zero is significantly better than Diet Coke and this WILL NOT STAND ugh goddamnit I shouldn't be this invested in a goddamn soda. Stupid freaking Coke assholes screwing up something that is good and pure in my life.

Just call me Richard Hendrix.*

That's not ink, it's semen. Greyscale does some fucked up things to your biology, bruh.

If that show existed we'd all be playing our own personal Game of Throbs, if you catch my meaning. Eh? Eh? Geddit? Do you get it?

Khaleesi: Enclosed please find a mixtape I've crafted for you. Perhaps listening to these songs, which I feel have come from my own heart, will provide you guidance in deciding which box to check.

This is the New Kids on the Block miniseries we need right now.

Have to? No. You GET to.

Tom Sawyer being used is actually a nod to the book. The creator of the Oasis is an enormous Rush fan in the book.

I'm gonna be honest, I opened this not anticipating much more than getting maybe a few good anecdotes about Jericho (man I loved that show, so frustrating to learn we almost got season 3). But I came away really impressed with Skeet. Comes across as a good, really bright dude. Well done interview.

Daddy's Still Home

"You need me on that wall - and Mexico will pay for it!"

"Colonel Jessup, did you wear your uniform on the flight?"
"Of course not Kaffee, I wore a tuxedo. It was after 5. What am I, a farmer?"

Jesus. That's insane for one of the most expansive, sprawling series ever written. I so wanted to this to succeed, but… yikes. I can't imagine it's going to be anything but a massive bomb.

His entire look - the hair, the beard, the clothes - made me think he was the front man of a washed up 90s alt rock band.

If you need an actor to play a guy who gets asked about something in the restricted section of a library, Jim Broadbent is your man.

No, you're mistaken, that's the REAL Trump you've just described.

Jazzy Jeff will play a street hustler the Sultan keeps throwing out the front door of his palace to comedic effect.