
Is this for this most current season, or the previous season, at this point? If it's for this most current season, then it's a goddamn crime that McKean wasn't nominated. I love Banks, he's amazing, but between the two, McKean played a larger role and was just so, so, SO good.

I'm sure this has been mentioned already, but is it not weird that Shailene Woodley is in the supporting actress category despite her character being the central character of Big Little Lies?

That was just awkward all around.

I don't care what they teleported. They TELEPORTED SOMETHING. I think that's the big news here, not the fact it was a photon.

I will now try not to think about the fact that the US scientific community is facing extreme budget cuts by the new administration because hahaha science is for nerds.

I swear this is an old Oral History that just got republished, right? I am 100% I read it awhile ago. Someone tell me I'm not crazy here.

I'm pretty sure HE doesn't even care anymore. It feels like with the series getting so far ahead of him, he just may give up on finishing, since the conclusion to the story will already be told and the only thing he'd be able to do is maybe change a little bit of how it gets there. Sure, he could change the ending,

Hey, Flo still pops up in stuff now and then. She was in an early episode of "You're The Worst" as a bookstore owner who had a mini-rivalry going on with one of the main characters for an episode (or two? I can't remember)

Particularly since Booster is Rip's dad, right? I swear they've said they'll never bring him into the fold, though, because they are insistent on turning him into his own property. So frustrating.

Same here. The show lost me eventually, but Nelsan Ellis was one of the reasons I stuck with it as long as I did. He was just so charismatic and powerful.

"LA Confidential was the better movie" applies in about 99% of all situations, of course.

I feel like Ted and Mary in There's Something About Mary, maybe?

Who do they think they are? LaVar Ball?

I mean, that's still pretty attractive.

I was about to defend it with "But it's based on a true story!" (it is) but then I just read that the real life version of Drew Barrymore's character was already married before her accident. So… yeah.

Um… no?

Eh, I tend to give dark comedies a pass on stuff like this. It's supposed to be twisted, including the relationships.

Times like this, Ol' Jack Burton says kidnap 'em and charm 'em long enough, and they'll fall in love with your hunky good looks and mullet eventually.

At least it had the good sense to give them both partners at varying degrees of "unlikable" (Kinnear was just a smug ass, but not a terrible guy, while Posey was a horrible human being), as opposed to Sleepless in Seattle, when they both had perfectly nice significant others (sure, the woman may have laughed like a

Clearly, you don't remember the 1980s classic "Back to School" then.