
Yeah, that was the moment when I started thinking back about some of the potential clues during the season and considered that he is perhaps a closeted character.

Every episode of this show makes me fall more and more in love with Aya Cash, ya know?

Same. Because in this show, if you ask me (and I'm going to pretend every single one of you did), Lindsay is in fact THE WORST, and Edgar deserves so much better.

"I'll show you six degrees of kicking your ass if you don't give me a role in this, Kevin!" - Michael Gross, probably

I had no idea she and Ray Romano were in this. As it happens, I hated Everybody Loves Raymond, but I've come to really enjoy Romano after watching him play more dramatic roles in shows like Men of a Certain Age (much better show than you'd think, if anyone even remembers it by now) and Parenthood. I was shocked to

Kent jumping on the line to tell Dan that he had incorrectly identified Bruce Hornsby as a member of the Grateful Dead when he had actually just been a touring member was just so fantastic, and weird, and wonderful.

I know that I should find this a completely stupid premise but… for some reason… I'm oddly intrigued?

And Wilmer Valderrama is sitting by the phone waiting for a phone call from Sam Elliott's granddaughter.

Couldn't agree more. I love Sam Elliott with all my tiny, withered heart.

She made it across the border and someone with a gun found her… I could have sworn it was Charlie Utter? Is she in that RV camp, then?

Particularly for the character who is used in literally every single piece of promotional character and is propped up as the "face" of the series, more or less.

RE: Kim Dickens… in reality, this is a REALLY strong cast, particularly now that it's been trimmed down (and I mean, still including Cliff Curtis, even though he's now dead). Which makes the show that much more disappointing. How many shows would love to have a cast this talented? And would do their best not to saddle

Holy shit I didn't even pick up on that during the episode, because I was too busy just being amused by Jared to realize he was just telling the dude something completely factual.

If I were an actress I'd be hesitant to apply for a job as Kevin James' wife regardless of how this thing played out.

So you're saying it mos' def' starred Mos Def?

I mean, in truth it'd be refreshing to see a police captain be the loose cannon who plays by his own rules for once.

Bachman also occasionally flashes incredible perception and brainpower that's usually clouded in marijuana smoke and bluster. That's why I respect him as a character, rather than just a buffoon. Every now and then you see why the other guys grudgingly respect him. He has actual acumen, even if he doesn't use it very

Oh is he playing that long lost Targaryen?

Yeah, I was born in '80 so I unfortunately missed the boat on all of them. Apparently my cousins took me to Jedi in 1983 but obviously, I have no recollection of that.

Jaws, Star Wars, or Raiders of the Lost Ark. I've since seen Star Wars in the theater, but I wish I could have been in one of those first audiences when the world was discovering these films.