
A friend of mine was on Jeopardy! (the college week edition) back… well, when we were in college. She said by far the trickiest part when you're on set is figuring out the timing for when you can hit the buzzer, because you can be the first person to know it and think you buzzed in first, but you're a split second too

I just assume his character in this will be named Franklin, and his catchphrase will be "Let's go bash some vamps."

I for one thought he did a terrific job as Franklin or Bash.

But then Trump would have to admit that he's not infallible and that's just unacceptable for him.

How dare you disparage the good (well, not really good) name of Mike McLintock, one of the few relatively innocent souls on Veep.

I was literally just about to go post the same thing until I scrolled down a bit and found this comment. I'd be really curious to know if it's an intentional homage.

D'Arcy Carden popping up as Montez's secret service person feels like such a waste of a brilliant comedic actress. I hope they don't waste her. She's utterly amazing in "The Good Place."

That's exactly what I took Erlich's retelling of the story back at the house to mean. "Give us his deal or I'll be 3 for 3 in fucking your wives."

I assumed he was talking about their little deal that Dan would make the, well, deal, as long as Erlich promised not to bang his fiance.

My favorite Jared line this week had to be after Richard told him about the one night stand, and Jared says, "I need details. Are you in love with her."

So I'm sorry, I haven't read the review yet and I'm sure others have commented. But I just felt the strong need to immediately say: holy shit, Haley Joel Osment. What the hell happened?

"I'm Still Here." "You Were Never Really Here."

"Excuse me, ladies, maybe you haven't been paying attention, but I HAVE A PENIS. Why aren't you leaping at it?!!?"

I know that TJ Miller can be a little (or really, a lot) much but man, he's consistently been one of my favorite parts of this show. I have faith that it won't screw up the dynamic too much, but I really do wonder where they're going to go from here.

In general fuck Troyzan, but I will hand it to him: at that final tribal, as soon as he realized he had absolutely zero shot at winning, he handled it about as well as he could have in just thanking everyone for helping him have the experience of playing the game with them, before basically bowing out of contention

My big annoyance: at the end of the reunion, there was text on the screen talking about the upcoming "35th Anniversary of Survivor" since next season is the 35th. The show started in 2017. That isn't how anniversaries work, CBS!!!

Does it seem like Probst was just interrupting every and any answer he was given at the reunion show last night, even moreso than he usually does? Particularly when women were talking, he just jumped in and talked over them to steer the conversation to exactly where he was hoping it would go. He just grows more and

Honestly, I really do wonder if Brad comes off as that much more of a bully than some other people on the show because he's such a large dude. When you're a small person, bullying becomes "manipulation." When you're a big dude, it's just bullying.

If you're saying Tai is actually Keyser Soze then I'm going to have to do some serious reflection…

Come on, you just know they'll find a way to bring SOMEONE back as a "special surprise addition" to the cast. They'll probably bring back one famous "hero" from the past, one "healer," and one "hustler" from previous seasons. They cannot seem to ever resist pushing familiar faces back into this show.