
I am positively stunned that, unless I missed a line, no one made fun of Kent's shirt at the dinner. That… that was an interesting shirt.

Just sayin', I totally called the Rock/Hanks ticket 9 days ago in one of these AVClub comments sections. I guess this is my big achievement of 2017. What a sad year it's been.

WHY? Come on, Anderson. You have nothing to apologize for here. You were 100% accurate.

I honestly wonder if there's been a lot more of that in previous seasons and they've just edited it out, because it seems incredibly farfetched that, more than 30 seasons in, only NOW would we suddenly get all of the scrambling and whispers and running around tribal to make new plans on the fly. And you're right: they

Just watched it. Holy hell, where has THAT version of Michaela been all season? Like, even the people at Ponderosa were thrown off/surprised by how happy and just genuinely delightful she was.

The show really hit such a stylistic groove this season. It's kind of amazing how well it uses such a variety of structures and storylines from episode to episode, yet it never stops feeling like the same show. Really well done.

So, serious question: I know people have had issues with and joked about the use of "Radioactive" multiple times… but seriously… there's no way they WON'T use that in the finale, right? Like, Clarke, Bellamy, etc, will be in the Ark, looking down at the radioactive wave hitting the US, with that song playing… right?

A thousand times this. God that movie is amazing.

It's a horrible movie. But I fucking love it anyway. One of my favorite things in terms of "they stole everything from Point Break" is the fact that, if you pay attention when Johnny Utah and Angelo are at the office trying to figure out where the Ex Presidents surf, the beer they're drinking… is Corona.

I mean, Dom is so furious. He almost beat a guy to death with a wrench. Clearly, he's the furious! Get it together, Winston.

God I love "Brotherhood of the Wolf." It's got some of the greatest fight scenes I've ever seen. And it introduced me to Monica Bellucci which, obviously, is an amazing gift.

Ah! That definitely makes sense, then.

Please join me in an effort to create the biggest synchronized jerk off motion in history.

He was… less than natural. To the point where I started wondering if he was another one of Aziz's family members that he cast in the role.

Funny that in an episode that includes an unexpected appearance by Lydia, one of the most pivotal developments is a new Chekhov's pill also popping up with Nacho no doubt figuring a way to use it against Tio.

He spent hours trying to decide which fedora to wear on the date. He's never getting those hours back.

Mentioning the Peter O'Toole version of Caligula without also mentioning that it featured a young, preposterously hot Helen Mirren just doesn't seem right.

He was on Veep earlier this season, and as always, he was fantastic.

I'm just so happy to see Stephen Fry is finally freed from the shackles of CBS-approved "comedy."

WOOHOO. I know this show isn't exactly "prestige TV" but it's a whole lot of fun. Glad to see it get a second chance.