
Rock/Hanks 2020

I once saw him wearing sandals… with SOCKS.

"That's the joke."

Is there anything this man can't do?

And if Diane Lane doesn't want to do Diane Lane, I'll…

Fffffffffuck Jasper. It sucks because the first few episodes in season one, he was immediately my favorite character. But he's been an insufferable prick for so long that I was so glad he finally bit it. And thank god he didn't pull Monty down with him, because Monty has become one of the stronger characters on the

I'm shocked - SHOCKED - to learn that days after news came out that Trump was threatening actions that could defund historically black colleges that one of his people was booed at an historically black college. Who ever could have predicted?

Man, the first season was such a fun, batshit show. And then - and I can't believe I'm saying this about a show that really IS most adequately described as batshit - it went off the rails.

Exactly. The joke wasn't at Jian Yang's expense. It was pretty clearly meant to throw more logs on the 'Erlich is such an asshole' fire.

That reminds me of an old Dinner for Five episode that I actually just rewatched a day or two ago, with Sarah Silverman talking about a joke she made that she got raked over the coals for because it was deemed racist toward Asians, while the actual intent of the joke had nothing to do with mocking Asians, but mocking

Yeah, I would agree with that. They're making it abundantly clear they think that, while Erlich often means well, he's still a giant, gaping asshole the majority of the time. I mean for god's sake, in season one he literally beat up children.

Man, Big Head's line about being inside Wired, too, just killed me. What a small, subtle, but utterly brilliant (and completely in character) joke.

It took me far longer than I care to admit to realize the joke you were making (like, it was 30 seconds later, after I'd clicked away from the page, and suddenly it hit me). It's been a long week.

I think at this point, like 90% of the reason I look forward to a new Fast and Furious movie is because I know that it's going to bring with it another episode of HDTGM featuring Adam Scott. They're always comedy gold.

I'm surprised it took me this long to realize that Derek Jacobi and Judi Dench look like the same person in a Victor/Victoria situation.

Was I the only one who, when the DEA was raiding Hector's place, expected either Hank or Steve Gomez to make a quick cameo?

Poor Joe Manganiello had to go and sign up to costar with the one dude in Hollywood who can make him look like a pipsqueak. Seriously though, I'm really curious to see just what size difference there is, since Manganiello is basically the "real life person" version of what The Rock is.

He'll be singing the ballad of Brave Ser Hot Pie.

Whew. I completely misread that headline initially, thinking it meant that Trump nearly had a cameo on 30 Rock.

Well fair enough! I guess I just never realized he's considered a bit of a sex symbol. I mean Olyphant, now that I can see. He's one man who, if my wife got after that, I'd likely give her a pass. "Ok, I get it."