
Now I want to see Boyd Crowder just completely own Littlefinger with his maneuvering.

Are we calling Sudeikis handsome now? Is that a thing? I mean, he's not an UGLY man by any stretch, but I have to assume the "dose of handsome" was more for Tim and Lee?

Dystopian YA involving an all-consuming game? But I mean… isn't that just Ready Player One?

With Gwyneth? No. Definitely not based on jealousy for me. For me, it's based on reading some of her hilariously (obnoxiously) out of touch interviews. She has no idea how the real world works, and just comes across really, really poorly. Anne Hathaway, on the other hand, I have no problem with and generally enjoy,

Yeah, particularly now that they've introduced Indra's character, it feels like she's kind of running out of steam as a character. She's still fine, but her character arc seems to be pretty much stuck in place at this point. Her death could actually really spark some good drama for other characters, like Octavia and

Wait - all of this shit has happened in about 6 months?

Well I mean, we already know that Miller is gay. Do we know if Jackson is gay? I can't recall if they've ever addressed it. There was definitely spark, I thought it was completely intentional.

It'll come down to Octavia, Indra, and Roan, and Octavia will have to make a choice between not killing her mentor, or not killing the one guy who might be reasonable enough to make a deal to save everyone… or something… right? Because there is NO WAY that two of those three would die.

Octavia riding in and saying "I'm here for the war" reminded me, in a weird way, of Todd Phillips showing up at the beginning of the movie Old School and saying "I'm here for the orgy."

Plus, who wants to watch a few seasons of people brooding around a bunker, with no hope of any other settings? It'd make less sense for them to NOT jump ahead.

Considering the rumors that Lindsey Morgan might wind up being Joss Whedon's Batgirl, I've just been counting down the episodes until she bites it. Yes, even though the rumors are far from confirmed.

Seriously, Bellamy was literally saying "We have no one who knows the grounder way of fighting" and in rides Octavia in silhouette. I mean, this show doesn't telegraph things much, but… come on. I never even would have considered Octavia being the "champion" for anyone but Skaikru.

Still should have been done as a 10 part, Band of Brothers-style miniseries on HBO. Grumble grumble grumble.

Goddamnit once again I learn that I need to scroll down through comments before making my own, since mine was virtually identical. Well played, sir.

I mean, isn't it obvious why Zahn wasn't there? He was collecting that blue ribbon in the livestock competition for his prize pig.

Imagine the looks Jeff Goldblum must give you while handing you a sausage. So delightfully awkward.

Well hell. That's what I get for only reading the first paragraph.

Oh yeah, this is going to go well in grocery stores with some kid pressing play on every single bag in the aisle.

"As it turns out, I'm actually a giant, gaping asshole. I hope that clears things up." - the most effective clarification Baio could offer.

I completely admit that, once I realized what Mike's plan was with the shoes and the drugs and the sniper rifle and the border patrol, my eyes widened, I got a big dumb grin on my face, and I burst out cackling in delight. Holy shit, was that fantastic.