
He doesn't know how to use the shells!

I'm floored that people have apparently tried to tell him how to grieve. Shut the fuck up and mind your own business. People have their own processes, and as his wife was so integrated in the world of pro wrestling (I'm having a brainfart on who introduced them, but I know it was a wrestler), it's completely valid

I feel like he's reached the level of self confidence where he doesn't need to boast or talk about how amazing he is, because he just intrinsically knows it to be true and doesn't have to reassure himself at every opportunity, and the fact that he's an enormous star who doesn't pump himself up comes off as humility.

Humble and self deprecating while simultaneously talking about how amazing everyone around him was. This man is a goddamn treasure.

…is this where I come in and admit that I secretly kind of enjoyed Last Vegas, or at least every scene with Morgan Freeman and Kevin Kline because those guys are goddamn treasures and I will always enjoy every single thing they do, no matter what?

And he delivers the hell out of it. But yeah.

Man, I want to like Alec Baldwin because he's talented and really funny, and for the most part, his political views line up with my own. But man, what a gaping asshole.

"Well don't stop there!"
"Yeah, come back here! I'm incendiary too, man!"

The movie had its flaws, but I think that, more or less across the board, the performances were terrific. A lot of really strong actors in that cast.

One of my favorite actors who I'm still astonished hasn't become a megastar. Dude is just really, really good in everything he does, he's handsome, he can play comedy or drama… I just never understood how he never became a superstar in the business.

"We are the future Draco, not them."

I just breezed past the headline initially and had to come back when I misread it as "Ian McKellen turned down a chance to play Macklemore"

Keyser Soze responds "Why?"

I mean, Mike Epps' jokes aren't THAT bad.

Amazingly, he whittled it while the bullets were flying! He's really, really talented. He also plays guitar, you should check out his demo.

Do they also believe in nussing, Lebowski?

I like to think that what we DIDN'T see was Ezekiel just offscreen, tossing raw steaks at the bad guys.

They spent every dime on the tiger and realized "Oh shit, we forgot to get a deer. Quick, get Doug's kid to sketch one real quick, we'll slide him a $10 spot!"

I get tired of his over the top "THAT WAS THE BEST THING EVER" schtick after each episode, but I'll always cut him a little slack because I remember when he was hosting Singled Out, one random episode he signed off with "I'm Chris Hardwick, and I thought I'd be more famous by now." (or something to that effect)

Wait… did they decide to make the "trash people" speak in broken, bizarre English solely to set up what turned out to be a double meaning delivery of "We win" from that lady who held her own with Michonne for way too long?