
I was really, really disappointed with how much hand-holding they did in actually SHOWING us when Sasha took the poison pill. I mean, it seemed completely obvious that was what was going to happen as soon as she was talking to Negan in her cell, and said, "Only one person needs to die." The whole thing was fairly well

Savor the flavor of pure dead Savior!

Oh for sure. I never really understood the allure of Negan when I was reading the comics, and he's 100% a "comic book" character. I really enjoy JDM, and thought he'd be perfect for the role if he played it the same way he played The Comedian, but man… he went BIG with it. So the only reason I think the character is

Seriously though, all I could think during TWD's version of the Riders of the Rohirrim saving the day at Helm's Deep was, "How the hell does the tiger know to only attack bad guys?"

One thing I will give the show credit for: they really, really seem to be reeling Jeffrey Dean Morgan's performance in, and toning it down significantly. It's still overly theatrical, but not nearly on the same level as it was early on after his arrival. Thank goodness for that, at least?

Hey, Bozo wasn't just for the Chicago kids. I grew up in Vermont, and one of the only channels we got was WGN. I watched Bozo on pretty much a daily basis in the mid-80s when I was like 6-8 years old. I was always so jealous when the kids would play games and win sweet ass sweet Bulls and White Sox swag.

"the idea of a world leader picking petty, meaningless fights via his social media accounts is too ridiculous to deserve a lot of thought" - I see what you did there.

Her unspoken catchphrase was, "Check out how great my ass looks in these jeans!"

Is she a hardcore Christian wackadoo, as well? I was never sure if it ran in the family or not.

Carey Lowell is touring? Well that's nutty.

Ugh. Jasper makes me so angry because in season one, he was my favorite character. And now… I cringe every time he comes on screen. He's just THE WORST. Meanwhile, season one I laughed and celebrated every time Murphy got beaten up (and holy crap, go back and watch… you could get hammered off a drinking game dedicated

Dwight Schrute in Star Trek gives a whole new meaning to "DAMMIT, JIM!" Now just imagine Shatner deadpanning to the camera.

Hell, I've been doing it because I like the feel of a brick of heroin in my rectum.

Squat Cobbler sounds like an item that Cinnabon might try to market as a tie in product. I know I'd order one just to say I had.

He should really just play his character from Galaxy Quest. Let's be real, here.

Boyd was amazing, though I think you could argue that the writers almost WANTED you to love and cheer him on. And of course, Walton Goggins is just so fucking good that he made you love him. I said it when the show was on, and I'll continue to say it: that show could have simply been scenes of Boyd and Raylan having

Murphy on The 100 has taken this spot for me lately. Somehow the biggest asshole on the show has morphed into my favorite character (in large part because he's one of the few characters who brings any levity).

So hey, Nancy Cartwright, it's cool that you bought a bunch of his candy bars. But he said he was on his 6th box and needed to sell 7 to win a prize. You are one of the highest paid people in television. You really couldn't go ahead and spring for the rest of that 6th box and the 7th as well? Eat my shorts, is

Of course he has. He just probably thinks it's a t-shirt company that markets exclusively to hipsters.

Are you talking about twerking for the Cinnabon or the sneak peak at Better Call Saul?