
That would be ideal. They've secretly kept people on another island competing, and now one of them is back, and they'll probably have a special piece of content ONLY ON CBS ALL-ACCESS! to get people to try to sign up for that thing where you can watch what was happening all the while.

(This post was made under the assumption Hubert is pronounced "Hue-bear" which may be incorrect)

Now this here's the story all about how my aunt got switched and flipped upside down, I'd like to take a minute just sit right there, I'll tell you all about the rage of this lady named Hubert.

It's just so depressing that we live in a world in which legends like Ed Asner and Malcolm McDowell decided it was in their best interest to do a made for TV sequel to Home Alone.

Oh my god, can you imagine the brisk walk and talks he could pen in a Flash movie?

We'll find out he cleaned up the Spider-Man: Homecoming script.

Oooh yeah, I forgot about that. That was great.

Just posted the same thing above. His writing quality is far too good for that site. Doesn't abuse ellipses and "giggles" enough to fit in with the asshole who runs the place.

Not at all. I stopped paying as much attention back when McWeeny left, since he was by far their best writer. Vespe/Quint is the only one over there left who's worth reading. I'm actually stunned he's still there and hasn't moved on to something better.

Well, the one from Eric Vespe makes me nervous. He's AICN's resident Dark Tower aficionado. If I recall correctly, I think I actually decided to read the books about 12-13 years ago after reading one of his columns about the series, so if he's put off by the movie then I'm a little nervous.

Reminds me of an episode of The Simpsons when the family is on the run, and they come across the sassy southern waitress:

I figure that if DC and Marvel can cross their comics over, well, maybe the movie franchises could eventually cross over as well. Hell, my Twitter header is a panel featuring Lex Luthor cackling while riding Doc Ock. My kingdom to see that happen in a film for the sheer hilarity.

Yeah, and there was a throwaway line from Rick about how Tara had mentioned that the women had pretty well cleared the forest surrounding Oceanside.

A few episodes ago, Rick came to Hilltop to try to get people to fight, didn't he? So Gregory is aware of that, at least, if not any specific plans.

It'll probably be some copout, like one of the trash heap people will turn out to be a secret spy for Negan, or something. Because Eugene was taken before any plans were underway, and there's no way Gregory already got to Sanctuary, right?

That's 100% what she was trying to do. Hence the smile on her face after Eugene left the first time, and her heartbreak the second time when Eugene brought her a poison pill instead of a weapon. She was completely playing him.

He's got to thwart a terrorist attack first.

You may want to invest in a punching bag before the finale.

I agree, it's a weird thing for him to do, to recap the show for people who have literally just finished watching it.

I'm pretty sure this is the first time someone has openly rooted for Carl to NOT die.