
I hope he didn't leave them an upper-decker again.

I love that the spaceship line could refer to both her role as a Poochie-esque character AND her next gig. I'm giving a thumbs up at my computer screen, take my word for it.

Child: "Gee, thanks for rescuing me, Superman!"
Superman *tousles child's hair*: "Eat a fat one, kid."

I mean, in fairness, she only flipped off a small child. The true sign of any hero.

Yep. I feel like the show is trying to mimic what the comic was saying about Rick, and the parallel between Rick and Negan, but it's doing so in a fairly clumsy way.

The zombies in a Walking Dead as scripted by Aaron Sorkin would never catch the survivors, because the survivors would be too busy constantly walking and bantering at a brisk pace.

Ooooh yeah, I forgot about Holly. And… that would make perfect sense. And for the sake of also avoiding spoiling things, good call. The parallels are pretty substantial.

My god, so many slash fiction fans would be in heaven.

I mean, Michael Keaton is never NOT great. So I'm expecting him to be memorable, if nothing else (and I'm hoping the whole movie is great, since Spidey is my all-time favorite superhero).

About the best thing I can say about poor Rupert is that hey, he's not as ugly as I expected him to be as a "grown up."

God did I love that show.

Get Brad and Monica back, bring on Daunte, and then get at least one of Brad and Monica's FB playing kids - Rex or Judge (Judge is a big-time recruit who's about to start his senior year of HS and will basically have his pick of any school he wants to go to). Hell, bring in Brad and Monica's daughter, Hope, as well.

I've still never brought myself to watch the video. I like sleep way too much.

"Wrestlemania tickets!!!"

*walks through and sees Eric and Don Jr*
Now I know why tigers eat their young.

The level of fun to be had playing golf when you're lousy at it depends solely on how frequently the beer cart drives up.

Berlanti-verse, when I asked for a quirky genius from the future named Gold, I meant "of the Booster variety."

Niles: "Frasier, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it seems we're surrounded by a mindless, shambling horde."
Frasier: "Reminds me of when dad took us to that football game when we were kids."

If only there were places where you could find medical equipment in the real world. Like, man, can you imagine if there were big buildings where sick people were treated, all in the same place, by a large staff of doctors and nurses? Man! That'd be just TOO convenient, though, and a real cheat by the writers to

And BARELY into the first trimester. I mean, again - she's got the stomach of a decidedly NOT pregnant woman.