
The entire time they were having their moment talking about all of Rosita's past boyfriends, all I could think about was "You guys are doing this wrong; Negan would be walking out of the building for the only 30 seconds he's going to be outside today RIGHT NOW and you're busy bonding over dead penis!"

Man, I was hoping they'd be the Frasier and Niles of the zombie apocalypse. "This is another fine mess you've gotten us into, brother."

He certainly has a "rougher around the edges Walton Goggins" vibe to hm.

It wouldn't surprise me at all, particularly considering Simon wasn't in the comics, and is a character created for the show.

I don't disagree with that assessment at all. Simon is the only one who really stands out, which is probably just due to the fact that Steven Ogg has a lot of natural charisma and just somehow makes that stuff work, where basically everyone else just comes off as a boring cliche.

She and Heath are no doubt being held prisoner somewhere, with Negan just waiting to see how successful their new shows are before deciding whether or not to execute them.

Hahaha. Sweet. Good luck with that.

He seems to have begun posting under a different name this week, mickey spumante. Saying the exact same stuff, just with a different pseudonym.

What a shame.

Sounds like you've created multiple accounts to reply to yourself. I'm guessing you're also that cain dude who usually posts but is unusually absent tonight.

Honestly, the way they introduced it was just clunky writing, to me. Like, they knew fans of the comics would be wondering, "Hey will they keep the character as a gay man?" and scripted an awkward scene around that small reveal.

Yes because clearly when planning for an attack on a secure compound they wouldn't have thought to bring such things. Holy shit dude, take your tired bullshit elsewhere. I hear the Iron Fist comments section is in dire need of more trolls.

So… stop watching. Unless you've got nothing better to do, which certainly seems to be the case.

You realize this show has taken place over the course of a couple years at this point, right? So no one was grabbing an ultrasound machine when things went to shit. They would no doubt have found it and brought it out there later.

Oh, for sure. It still felt a little shoehorned in for cheap expositional purposes.

Oh! I know what I wanted to comment on. It's about Maggie's pregnancy.

He didn't, on camera at least. The last we saw of him, he was asking where Sasha and Rosita were. So it feels like the writers want us to think that's him in the shadows after getting the info and following them there, but I think it's got to be Dwight.

I like it, in spite of my better judgment. I'll allow it.

I was going to say - it felt like they very intentionally left the guy in shadow. My wife was wondering if it was Daryl or not, as well, and I mentioned that Dwight has dressed like Daryl and sported a crossbow in the past as well. It certainly wouldn't surprise me, all things considered.

If these sons of bitches don't start actually showing Jesus being the badass he is in the comics soon then I swear I'm going to…