
That bit with the repeated convulsions was a perfect of example of a decent gag being beaten into the ground, and then becoming funny again when they just keep going. Like, the third time, it's like "Ok, we get it." But then she does it a fourth time, and it's fantastic again.

Well, I've been thinking "Teti" was pronounced completely differently. That's what I've learned here.

Oh come on. Can't we just get a Man from UNCLE sequel instead? That movie was far, far better than it probably had any right to be. So fun and entertaining.

I loved Rampage when I was a kid. I do not in any way understand how a Rampage movie can work. And there's a wolf character in Rampage, and you cast Joe Manganiello and don't cast him as said-wolfman, despite previous experience in that type of role? I see, Rampage movie. I see.

All they fucking do is take, take, take. Never lift a goddamn chubby little finger to actually contribute.

Ugh, they're the worst. Don't you just want to punch them in their pudgy, smug little faces?

i'm shocked by this startling revelation you have no idea my goodness me

You have to admit that'd be pretty hilarious, though.

I never thought I'd say this, but Matthew Perry, we need you now more than ever, but to gang up on a different world leader just a little farther south.

I dunno that anyone would ever give him the money, simply because of all the people on the show, he needs it the least. Dude had a long NFL career and is an attorney now. How do you give a million dollars to a multi-millionaire?

I know some people who've met and spent time with them a couple times (Monica and Brad's son Rex is a quarterback at Syracuse, and I know a couple parents of other players there), and they all say that they're nice people, particularly Monica, who is apparently one of the sweetest people they've ever met.

"Maybe I want to dance like a sexy lunatic!"
"You're a good dancer."
"You're missing the point!"

Man, I gotta learn to scroll down before I post my own comments.

Hey remember when Ted Nugent went on stage and told Barack Obama to "suck [his] machine gun"? Donald Trump doesn't seem to remember.

"You're gonna love the way these returns look. I guarantee it."

I look forward to Bob Odenkirk playing this guy in the movie adaptation.

Hasn't Nick Offerman already said this same thing likeā€¦ 3-4 times publicly? All through the election?

"Hey Benjamin, you're pretty young. I'm amazed that you're only 2 days from retirement!" - a line I half expected to hear the moment he popped up as a semi-important character.

"Ugh, it's so popular, I hate it. Fucking popular stuff is the WORST, right guys?"

I'm more shocked at the fact that you apparently watch this shit you hate and then spend time coming in here and bitching about it.