
Oh, I agree. They've actually been setting this up for weeks, so it makes narrative sense, and Benjamin was a likable enough character that it's effective. But holy shit was it SO TELEGRAPHED.

Wait, seriously? When did you think Benjamin was going to die? Um. Like, as soon as they made a sweet, slightly dopey kid with strong connections to Ezekiel and Morgan a major character? I said in a comments section a couple weeks ago (and I'm not the only one, so I'm not trying to pat myself on the back) that he had

And now that I've read it: "is Spike a big bad?"

If I started a new job and Charisma Carpenter was there and spanked me then fucking hell, keep the salary. I'm home.

Oh heavens, no. The sequels no one cares about to a movie everyone has forgotten and realizes was actually kinda shitty have been delayed further. How will we all cope?

All this has done is make me wish so fucking hard to see Tarantino build a film around Nic Cage.

Perfect timing for this movie to come up, considering Kim Jong-un's cousin was murdered with the real version of VX nerve agent.

They brought some samples with them. I can't remember exactly why, it's been a couple years since I read the book. They briefly allude to the earth soil in the movie when, after the HAB explosion, back on Earth Chiwetel Ejiofor is going over the situation and mentions "the bacteria is all dead."

I'm still way late to this show, but just got to this episode. They already name checked The Sting early in the season; then they mention that Vince's last name is Lonigan (spelling via Wikipedia). I mean… really? Robert Shaw's character in The Sting was named Lonnegan. I'm not even mad, the audacity of not just name

I'd wager, considering they used some Earth soil, that this was probably inspired by the book, not the movie. Because the book makes a point of specifically mentioning that without combining Earth soil with the Martian soil, nothing would grow, since the bacteria in the Earth soil is essential. Hence why, in the book

Isn't the kid from Room in this? Because clearly, it'll be him, and he'll save us all.

Boyd Holbrook just caught up on the reviews of Narcos on AV Club and he is NOT HAPPY with the comments about his performance.

Meanwhile, Seth Green is 106 years old. He was Mickey Rooney's mentor.

Vampire Slayers HATE Him - Wait Until You Find Out His Secret!

'Member Spike from Buffy? You won't BELIEVE what he looks like now!

This man is 54 years old.

It makes me sick, motherfucker, how far the comments section done fell.

What the hell is going on I came to comment about The Wire and suddenly everything has changed!

If you never knew that Dickens got paid by the word… well, you'd know after reading that single opening line.

I'm late to this show and to these reviews. I say this with respect and appreciation for these reviews. I think they're very well done. They do a great job capturing my own feelings on this show. They're well written, and fun to read.